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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Zap It Off Clinic Organizes Free Assessments

Zap It Off Clinic Organizes Free Assessments

By clinzptre59 on August 07 2013 | 396 Views

Zap It Off Clinic Organizes free assessments for patients.

Zap It Off Clinic Organizes free assessments for patients. Those seeking treatment in hair and tattoo removal dont have to pay for an initial consultation. Additionally, a trial session is also included in the package.

Those willing to explore the variety of cosmetic solutions offered by Zap it Off can avail the free assessment. A preliminary consultation is held, that lets prospective patients of the Clinic discuss their requirements discretely and with full confidentiality.

The Zap it off medical staff comprises of therapists trained in years of skin care.
After initial discussions, the Clinic undertakes a skin analysis, along with a laser patch test to diagnose the suitability of treatment.

This is followed by the clinic providing an estimate of the advised treatments, including frequency and duration. A price, that incorporates all aspects of the treatment is mentioned, to ensure there are no hidden costs.

Patients who are unsure of signing up for the entire package can explore the Zap It Off Clinic’s service standards through a trial sessions. They can therefore pay for a single treatment to make up their mind. the amount spent on the package will be deducted from the total cost of the package. After signing up, a series of sessions is held for comprehensive hair or tattoo removal, according to the stipulated package. These are held at timings convenient for the clients.

While the Zap it Off therapists will recommend a precise number of sessions based on the tattoo or hair to be removed, some cases may require more sessions. In this case, the clinic will undertake two more sessions of treatment, absolutely free. Further sessions, if required will be held at a discount on the package. A final follow up session is then organized to ensure thorough removal of the tattoo or hair.

The Zap It Off Clinic is one of Australia’s major providers of Laser Hair Removal in Melbourne. Other services provided by ZapItOff’s Melbourne clinic include a variety of "Cosmeceuticals" i.e. pharmaceutical cosmetic solutions).The ZapitOff clinic will recommend important products manufactured by leading skincare brands for major skin care needs. This offers clients clarity in identifying product relevant for their skin and personal needs, instead of buying generic products off the shelf without any clinical knowledge.

About the Company

Zap it Off is a a subsidiary of the Laurimar Medical Centre. The center, which is three years old, is managed by Dr Patel and Dr Bhat.
The Zap It Off is managed by highly trained therapists who use state of-the-art technology for specialized laser skin treatments. These include removing both tattoos and unwanted hair. A High SpeedLightSheer DUET laser is used for precision and thorough hair removal. For unwanted tattoos, a Q-Switched laser is used to target the ink directly under the skin.

Designed to work across a variety of skin types, the clinic meets the cosmetic surgical needs of patients who need to remove a tattoo they now regret, or unwanted facial hair that hampers their body image and self confidence. Additionally, the Zap It Off clinic answers important queries on the safety and effectiveness of tattoo or hair removal.

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