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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Your Mind Can Help Heal The Body

Your Mind Can Help Heal The Body

By jarinkaylyn on June 07 2016 | 453 Views

Yoga takes an integrated approach towards an individual. It understands and emphasizes on a deep connection between the body, mind and soul.

Yoga takes an integrated approach towards an individual. It understands and emphasizes on a deep connection between the body, mind and soul. A fine taste of this connection can be felt through the yoga postures, breath and meditation. It is proven that yoga can release stress and relieve strain, making you happier, healthier and energetic. This is possible because your body and mind are capable of change. When you understand how closely your mind and body work, it opens a whole new perspective on your health and well-being.

Your body is a sophisticated machine
When you look at a child you can clearly tell the growth and changes his body undergoes. By the time you reach adulthood you do not see such drastic and rapid changes on the outside and you are led to believe that your body is static. But your body is going through the stress and strain, wear and tear; your mood swings and feelings along with you. These every day situations are translated into a language of hormones within the body. When you perceive a threat of any sort be it physical, mental or emotional, you trigger a stress response in the body. The body cannot tell the difference between being chased by a tiger and chasing a nerve wrecking deadline. Several hormones like adrenaline, noradrenaline, ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) are released in the bloodstream which in turn activates 30 other hormones to prepare to deal with the perceived threat. As a result, heart rate, blood pressure and blood-sugar levels increase, muscles tense up, digestive and immune system shut down to allot more energy to the urgency in the body. In simple words your body is in utter chaos. Stress is a constant companion for most people in today’s world. It is the seed for several disorders and diseases in the body.

Your mind comes to the rescue
When the body is suffering from stress, ailments or diseases your mind plays an important part in helping it recover. The recovery depends on the severity of the ailment and has to be backed with medical assistance. There has been an interesting research in the field of medical science called placebo effect. A placebo is an inactive substance like sugar, distilled water, or saline solution that can sometimes improve a patient’s condition simply because the person has the expectation that it will be helpful. Hope plays a powerful role in the placebo effect. The placebo effect is part of the human potential to react positively to a healer. The healer can be the placebo, doctor, family, friends or anything that brings a positive element or hope to your mind.

There is a research that dates back to 1957 when a man named “Mr.Wright” suffered from the cancer of lymph nodes. He had high expectations from a drug the doctors had then discovered to cure cancer. With his extremely positive attitude, Mr.Wright managed to recover from the cancer and return healthy which was nothing short of a miracle. The doctors observed that the same drug did not make any difference to the other patients suffering from cancer. However, four months down the line Mr.Wright discovered that the drug was proven ineffective in a research manual. He died two days later. The drug was a placebo for Mr Wright and it worked wonders for his health until he believed in it. Clearly, the power of positive thinking is not a new subject. But understanding the impact it can have on ailments and diseases is certainly beneficial.

Yoga strengthens the body-mind connection
Yoga amplifies the placebo effect within you. Regular practice of yoga ensures a robust endocrine (hormonal) system and a shift to parasympathetic drive in the body. When you operate in the parasympathetic drive, body is at ease, immunity is high and feelings of warmth and happiness increase. Your confidence levels go up reinforcing your belief in yourself. What your mind perceives will manifest in your body. You can grow the placebo effect in the body by believing that you can help yourself. The yoga postures can help establish a favourable environment within the body with plenty of good hormones. You can keep stress at bay through postures and breathing and prevent diseases from growing within you. Developing awareness of the body-mind connection is the key to staying stress-free. As the old adage goes, “prevention is better than cure”. Yoga takes a preventive approach to being disease-free and healthy so that you may experience a long and fulfilling life.

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