Press Release / Business / XLSTAT 2019.4.1 now available with new features and options
XLSTAT 2019.4.1 now available with new features and options
By XLSTAT CONTACT on December 02 2019 | 564 Views
XLSTAT 2019.4.1 is available for download! What’s new? Demšar significance diagram, Latent Semantic Analysis, Customer Long-term value, and more!
With its 200+ statistical features and user-friendly interface, XLSTAT is the leading statistical software solution for Microsoft Excel.
XLSTAT version 2019.4.1 is available for download!
Discover our latest features and options:
Demšar significance diagram: Visualize pairwise differences after performing post-hoc tests
Latent Semantic Analysis: Use our text mining tool to discover hidden topics from a set of documents
Customer Long-term value: Assess customer value with an extension of the Simple Retention Model
Taguchi experimental designs: Improve products and processes using Taguchi robust designs
Design of sensory discrimination tests: Obtain an optimal design with our improved algorithm
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Addinsoft is a software company specializing in analytical solutions for MS Excel. Present in Europe, North America and Asia, the company is comprised of highly creative, experienced and talented individuals who come together to facilitate and improve your decision making needs. Our mission is to make data analysis and statistics accessible to all. Every day, we do our very best to improve XLSTAT and offer our users tools that are just as powerful as they are easy to use.
XLSTAT, Addinsoft’s main product line, is a full suite of solutions for data analysis and statistics that integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Excel. Each day, over 600 people download the XLSTAT software making it one off the leading statistical software on the market today. The XLSTAT user community is now comprised of over 100,000 members in more than 120 countries. Over the years, XLSTAT has become a front-line player in the field of statistics and multivariate analysis, offering a wide array of methods and features used in a variety of fields. XLSTAT works with Microsoft Excel on Windows, Mac and in browsers under Google Sheets and Microsoft Office 365.
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