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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Why Better Shea Butter’s New Non-Nano, Micronized, FDA Certified Zinc Oxide Powder Is The Safest Option

Why Better Shea Butter’s New Non-Nano, Micronized, FDA Certified Zinc Oxide Powder Is The Safest Option

By Lisa Girard on December 04 2013 | 1266 Views

Better Shea Butter has recently launched a new zinc oxide powder that offers customers excellent value for money.

Houston, TX, December 05, 2013 - Better Shea Butter has recently launched a new zinc oxide powder that offers customers excellent value for money. Not only is this Zinc Oxide Powder affordable and versatile, it’s also one of the safest brands on the market. This non-nano, micronized Zinc Oxide Powder had been processed in FDA approved facilities, giving customers complete confidence in the quality of this product.

Zinc Oxide Powder is a popular choice amongst people looking to make their own natural home-based beauty treatments. This product is exceptionally versatile. It can be used to make synthetic-free deodorant, acne cream, soap, mineral make-up, diaper rash cream; amongst several other uses. As satisfied customer Jessica has discovered, Better Shea Butter’s Zinc Oxide Powder is also great for making home-made sunscreen:

“I have been blending this zinc oxide with shea butter and coconut oil to make my own sunscreen. I also purchased iron oxide and mica powder to tint the formula. The result is creamy, not oily. I am very happy to be using something I can control on my skin.”

In addition to the versatility, what makes Better Shea Butter’s Zinc Oxide Powder stand out from other brands is the purity of the product. This is a very important consideration for any consumer as poor quality zinc oxide powder is unsafe. The market is flooded with cheap imports from China. The problem with these zinc oxide powders is that they are not properly screened and frequently contain nano particles. These particles are small enough to penetrate the skin and enter the blood stream. This can result in zinc poisoning and lead to a range of serious health issues.

The great benefit of Better Shea Butter’s Zinc Oxide Powder is that it’s micronized. The zinc oxide has been professionally ground-down to particles that are only a few diameters wide, but large enough not to penetrate the skin. This powder is excellent for skin applications as it creates a protective outer shield, without being absorbed. One of the great advantages of zinc oxide is that it has antiseptic properties. Thus, it’s an ideal natural protector against irritations and infections, without causing negative side effects.

Although Better Shea Butter’s Zinc Oxide Powder hasn’t been on the market for a long time, it has been very popular. Consumers appreciate the high quality and purity of this product. Plus, Better Shea Butter goes out of their way to ensure exceptional customer service. Stock is selling fast and consumers will need to be quick before current supplies are sold out.

Lisa Girard
Better Shea Butter
9310 Rhythm Lane
Houston, TX 77040

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