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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Where To Purchase Healthy And Professional Self Tanning Products

Where To Purchase Healthy And Professional Self Tanning Products

By airie234 on August 21 2012 | 280 Views

Learn Where To Purchase Healthy And Professional Self Tanning Products.

Self tanning products are used most often by those who are aware of the health risks of lying in the sun all day. Most people prefer not to use tanning salons except as a last resort due to the expense and the baked look. There is a more healthy, safer and cheaper way to get that tanned look you want. Keep reading for more information on the options for self tanning products. When you decide to try self tanning you need to first consider your own skin type. No two people’s skin types will get the same effect with self tanning products. You may have to try a variety of self tanning products before you find the one that’s just right for your particular skin. You need to keep in mind that even though your friend had a great experience with a particular product does not mean you will have the same experience.

Some alarming news from the medical arena was recently rehashed in the news, and it gives just another reason to self tan with sunless tanning products instead of bathing in the sun and/or indoor tanning to get that natural earthy glow that everyone craves these days. The bad news is that melanoma skin cancer, the most deadly form of cancer of the skin, has increased 50% since the early seventies in women alone. Men have only slightly increased, as expected, and then leveled off, meaning there is some other factor that makes women more susceptible to melanomas than men. Many researchers think that it may be a combination of factors, but cite one, indoor tanning amongst women (who frequent tanning salons more than men), as perhaps being the largest factor in the singular increase.

If you want a tan in the safest possible manner, then amazingly enough the self tanning products are the way to go. The issues with cancer of the skin are well known and documented, even though that doesn’t seem to stop people from worshiping the sun. Tanning salons are also a concern due to the exposure to UV light, as you know. We also tend to think that the leather skin look is not all that cool. In comparison, self tanning products are safe and come in a variety of application mediums. Some people may experience skin itchiness with self tanning products, but there are so many others that can be tried and usually there will be one that will not cause any issues.

One online self tanning retail store which sells the most high quality self tanning products is Sun Laboratories. Sun Laboratories stock all the most wanted and professional sun products such as Sun Laboratories Self Tanning Lotion Dark, they sell their products all over such as Sun Labs Self Tanner Canada. If you want to ensure your skins safety, yet no compromise on the quality of your tan and the natural look you wish to obtain, then you should use the tried and tested self tanning products manufactured by Sun Laboratories, many users are already reaping in the benefits all year round, and you could join these lucky people.

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