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Press Release / Technology / What’s Vembu upto for World Backup Day 2018

What’s Vembu upto for World Backup Day 2018

By saravanan on March 22 2018 | 767 Views

To celebrate World Backup Day, Vembu is coming up with a 10% flat discount on all your new purchase of Vembu BDR suite until March 31st,2018.

Chennai, India - March 22nd, 2018: Vembu is all set to celebrate the World Backup Day 2018 with a new initiative to assure data safety to all SMBS out there with a flat 10% discount on all new purchases of Vembu BDR Suite. This offer is to create awareness on the importance of data backup.

We’re fortunate enough to have access to the most powerful computers to date, but data protection is still a nightmare for everyone. Crashes happen more often than you think, data recovery may cost you hundreds of dollars and recovering everything you had stored in your data premises is not guaranteed.

Backup is a reserve copy of all your important files that you store separately from the original. Every business is at the risk of losing data, so why to take the risk when backup options are easy and readily available.

World Backup Day may be an annual reminder to people and business owners to protect their data to avoid looking like a fool on April Fool’s Day. But Vembu’s initiative is to support all the business owners to prove their brilliance by welcoming themselves into the world of backups and ensuring data safety before March 31.

We understand, life gets hectic and it’s easy to forget to backup your files. So we remind and insist to grab this opportunity and join Vembu’s initiative to experience a cost-effective backup solution.

About Vembu:

Vembu is one of the critical players that has been providing Backup and Disaster Recovery for Small and Medium Businesses(SMBs) over the past 15+years. They extend support to multiple environments at an affordable pricing thus ensuring high availability to data centers.

Vembu’s flagship offering is Vembu BDR Suite which is a comprehensive backup and recovery solution across VMware Backup, Microsoft Hyper-V Backup, physical and virtual environments, applications, and endpoints.

Vembu’s latest free edition of the Vembu BDR Suite is now up with lots of flexibility that it has no feature restriction.

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