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Press Release / Health and Fitness / We Care India do ethical Spine Surgery in Delhi

We Care India do ethical Spine Surgery in Delhi

By Sanjay Nagpal on December 21 2013 | 415 Views

Spine Surgery in Delhi promotes its ethical ways of treating spinal problems been faced by the patients. Spine surgery is the best available option to fight spine injury or any other damage.

21st October 2013-Spine problems are probably the most common one. At some point of time in life an individual does face spinal issues. The reason for this can be any.

Spine Surgery in Delhi have calculated that 60% of the people in the world have been reported to have spine injuries, pains etc.

Although making the choice for option to undergo spine surgery might not be an easy choice. But it is the choice patients have to totally eliminate the pain been caused to them. Spine Surgery in Delhi can give immediate relief to the patients.

The most common type of spine surgery is spinal fusion, artificial disc replacement, Diskectomy, Laminectomy and Vertebroplasty.

Surgeons at Spine Surgery Hospital in Delhi have listed down various benefits of spine surgery.
• Increased activity in the daily routine.
• A much better physical strength than before.
• Improved mood
• Least invasive methods are used.
• Less need for pain medicines
• No drugs are used
• No side effects
• Ability to go back to work
• Increased productivity at work

The benefits of spine surgery are enormous. One more important factor is that you need to get the treatment done for your spinal problems as soon as possible. It would not be difficult to eliminate the pain in the initial stages than that in an adverse stage. Chronic back pain or other malfunction in the spine can be health wise very destructive

Spine surgeons tell that “almost everybody will have spine problems somewhere down their life. It is one of the signs of aging too. Older people tend to have more back pains then younger ones. Spine surgery is an absolute relief treatment to any problems with the working of a spine. Diagnosing the cause early would be smart decision. As persistent back pain cannot be that easily controlled”.

Sanaya Irani a patient at We Care India said that “Due to a collapsed disc in my lower back, I had suffered from a chronic pain. At times, I had to crawl on the floor to get from the bed to the bathroom. Then finally I chose to go for spine surgery and this is what has helped me to resume back to my normal lifestyle“.

The cost for spine surgery is different in different countries. The costs in India for spine surgery are comparatively less expensive. The amount may vary depending upon the treatment that is to be given to the patients. Cost of Spine Surgery in India roughly falls under the bracket of Rs. 5,500 to Rs 8,000.

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