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Press Release / Computer / VIPole For Secure Communication and Data Storage

VIPole For Secure Communication and Data Storage

By virt7ua on September 18 2014 | 532 Views

VIPole is a full featured communication system that enables secure and encrypted data exchange, interactive communication and storage processes during server interaction.

VIPole incorporates strong encryption algorithms to protect all user data and communication between authorized parties. With VIPole enjoy secure messaging apps such as instant messaging, voice calls, video chats, encrypted file storage and more. With VIPole instant messenger, your messages are private. Before your messages are sent, they are strongly encrypted and then sent to the server in encrypted format, so that only the sender and the recipient of the message can read them. The message history is then stored on the user’s computer and server using only the encrypted text, which ensures your messages are kept private. Protect your personal conversations from unauthorized people with VIPole Secure Messenger. Before starting a conversation, VIPole opens up a secure channel between you and the contact where voice is transformed into encrypted dialogue over the secure channel, so you and your contact’s conversation remains private. Encryption keys or voice data are kept known only to authorized parties. With VIPole Voice Conferencing, users can connect securely with up to 9 people at one time. With VIPole Secure, even your video calls are kept secure. Before streaming, VIPole opens a secure channel between you and your party where data is exchanged in encrypted form inside the secure channel. Encrypted data keys are known only by involved parties. VIPole secure video conferencing is with up to 9 people is also available. Protect your important documents and files, safely, with VIPole secure file storage. Files are encrypted and stored on the user’s computer. These files can be accessed via encrypted virtual drive. The encrypted files are automatically synchronized between the central VIPole server and the user’s devices, where only the file owner and its recipients can access the decrypted file. Backed up and updated copies are stored securely on VIPole’s servers. VIPole for Business provides two options for protecting your business: VIPole Corporate Server and VIPole Security For Teams. With VIPole Corporate Server, data exchanges between users will be processed and stored within company. VIPole Security For Teams allows you to group VIPole users within a single business account, while managing each user separately. With VIPole Team Security, you also have the option of incorporating additional security features. Additional security features include virtual keyboard, fake secret passes, option to delete or edit any single message in history and more. VIPole’s encrypted algorithms provide reliable data protection from interception, tapping and theft. All data is encrypted in a way that it can only be decrypted by the user. This means, even those in charge of the servers, such as administrators and operators, cannot access the information. It is VIPole’s main priority to provide the highest possible degree of information security available. VIPole secure is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux devices.VIPole secure message apps allows users to communicate with peace and confidence knowing that video chats, voice calls, instant messenger and more, are kept secure and private between authorized parties.

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