Press Release / Computer / VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK v10.1 Released!
VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK v10.1 Released!
By VintaSoft Ltd. on September 15 2016 | 615 Views
Created new easy ways to add the Twain SDK into web apps with multi browser support. The SDK can be used in any modern web browser. Created ASP.NET MVC and WebForms demos with local services based on WCF service, API controller and JavaScript code.
VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK v10.1 Released!
September 02, 2016
VintaSoft Ltd releases the major version 10.1 of VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK, which includes some enhancements simplifying the use in ASP.NET. This version of the Twain SDK for .NET and WPF as usually is fully compatible with the latest version of TWAIN specification.
In version 10.1 of VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK have been created new easy ways to add the Twain SDK into web applications with multi browser support. The SDK can be used in all modern web browsers. It has been created new ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebForms demo applications with local services based on WCF service, API controller and JavaScript code.
VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK - a pure C# TWAIN Library based on Microsoft’s .NET and WPF framework is optimized for use in C# and VB .NET. Thus this is the SDK for C# Twain scanning, VB.NET Twain scanning and ASP.NET Web scanning.
VintaSoft staff tests in common practice about a hundred of TWAIN scanners with the SDK, both available at our office and tested by our experienced users. The SDK is also deeply tested in VintaSoft’s Internal Test System, running thousands of automated and manual tests, to guarantee the delivery of the most reliable version of our TWAIN library to the market of software components.
A large set of demo applications source codes, detailed user guide and reference API documentation, VintaSoft’s customer support service and communications forums are always ready to give you right answers and professional assistance.
For more information please visit this product home page:
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