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Press Release / Art & Entertainment / Vicki Rocco of Modern Family Buys the Movie Rights For Novel Real Santa

Vicki Rocco of Modern Family Buys the Movie Rights For Novel Real Santa

By Jim Turner on December 19 2014 | 408 Views

Vicki Rocco has bought the movie rights of Bestselling Novelist William Hazelgroves’ Book Real Santa for her production company Small But Mighty Productions Real Santa is the story of a man who become

Los Angelos, CA, December 19, 2014 -- Vicki Rocco of Modern Family optioned the movie rights of William Hazelgrove’s Real Santa for her production company Small But Mighty Productions with an eye to a feature or a made for television movie. Ms. Rocco has to her credits, Modern Family, Arrested Development, Stand and Deliver, U23D, Empire Dreams, Heather, Britany Spears Live, and sees Real Santa as a classic that will pull in people hungry for a new take on the Christmas movie. “No one has done this. No one has taken on the physics of being Santa Claus. It is funny and heartwarming and has all the things we look for in any great Christmas movie.”

Real Santa led off with a starred review in Booklist. "If someone doesnt make a movie out of this book there is something wrong with the world." This tantalizing quote brought studios knocking at William Hazelgrove’s door even before the book was published. "We had about ten calls inquiring about the rights six months before the book came out," Mr. Hazelgrove remembered. "And then I got an email when I was out looking at Christmas trees from Vicki and she said she had only read half but thougth it woudld be a great movie."

The reason Hollywood is interested in Real Santa according to the publisher John Koehler is because it take a simple concept and puts a modern spin on it. "This guy is an engineer and he figures out how to actually be the real santa. How you actually land reindeer on the roof and go down a chimmney and then fly off again. He he pulls it off is the story." Ms. Rocco would like to have the movie ready to go by next Christmas. "It is simply a great Christmas story and who doesn’t want to watch that. People love Christmas movies."

Jim Turner
William Hazelgrove
3300 W Main
Chicago, IL

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