Press Release / Automotive / Truck Help offers a variety of OEM parts for true vehicle maintenance
Truck Help offers a variety of OEM parts for true vehicle maintenance
By Truck303 on March 28 2013 | 535 Views
Truck Help offers an outstanding selection of OEM parts for trucks of all sizes.
Sometimes, whatever the brand, there’s nothing more trustworthy than the original manufacturer’s equipment. In fact, this can be an important consideration in maintenance and upkeep, since mechanics might otherwise need to have a much larger number of parts and pieces on hand. Even more important is the ability to know for certain that the parts meet the manufacturer’s standards for use within the vehicle; incompatible parts may prevent a vehicle from functioning properly, and errors out on the road can strand a vehicle many hours from a service center. That isn’t good for business security or delivering things in a timely manner to customers who expect their shipments exactly when told to be on the lookout for them.
For customers who would prefer to replace parts only with official products, Truck Help now offers thousands of Original Equipment Manufacturer, or OEM, parts and pieces. Which Heavy Duty Truck Parts are being supplied depends strongly on the original manufacturer and how well they support the OEM market, but Truck Help works regularly with manufacturers and suppliers to provide as many different parts as possible and support many different trucks.
At Truck Help, we are proud to offer a huge variety of parts from Volvo, with over 5,000 different manufacturer’s parts available for customers to browse and buy. In fact, there are so many that browsing through the catalog is largely pointless - which would be the case anyway, because OEM isn’t about finding parts that are "close enough". It’s about finding the exact same part to replace a worn-out component with, which is why customers have the ability to search by the part ID number. When the numbers match, the part is the same.
In addition to our comprehensive supply of Volvo parts, Truck Help also offers close to two thousand parts from manufacturer Cummins and nearly a thousand more from Detroit. Each of these companies manufacturers things in a different way and to different specifications, making Semi Truck Parts that truly fit your needs.
Customers are encouraged to contact Truck Help before placing orders of ten or more items. We understand how some fleet companies operate very large numbers of vehicles and need high numbers of parts. In fact, in some situations, companies want to warehouse their own parts to be sure they’ll have spares on hand just in case the manufacturer discontinues the line. In many cases, Truck Help can arrange for a larger shipment of the product from the original manufacturer when a large request is made, though these orders may take a little longer than average to complete because the products must first be sent from a different location. Truck Help will provide the best possible service throughout the process to help keep customers informed of the status of their orders.
Whether the parts are large or small, and to be used in heavy duty semi trucks, mid-sized vehicles, or smaller, private trucks, Truck Help offers one of the most outstanding selections of original equipment manufacturer’s products.
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