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Press Release / Lifestyle / Top Health Benefits of Almonds

Top Health Benefits of Almonds

By subaniah80 on October 07 2013 | 499 Views

The best aspect of juicing cucumbers is that it gives you vitamin A in abundant quantity. Vitamin A is a great anti-oxidant which helps to combat the oxidants produced by the body

They are a sweet, tasty addition to your diet and the health benefits of almonds are legion. They grow on a tree which is native to the Middle East and South Asia. It is similar to the peach tree. The nut has a corrugated shell around the seed. Almonds are not true nuts, but drupes. A drupe is a fruit in which the outer part (flesh) surrounds a shell (pit or stone). In the almond, the outer flesh is somewhat leathery, and called a hull. Almonds are sold shelled (with the shells removed), or unshelled (with the shells attached). They are also available blanched, which means they have been treated with hot water to soften the seed. The seed coat is then removed to reveal the white embryo. Almonds are widely grown, with a peak of production in 2002 of 1.85 million tonnes; and a low in 1995 of 1.7 million tonnes, according to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) figures. Major producers of almonds include the United States, Spain, Syria, Italy, Iran and Morocco. In Spain, other varieties of almonds such as the Jordan almond and the Valencia almond are also produced.
Almond milk benefits those that are diabetic or are searching for a milk that is blood sugar friendly will even reap the benefits of this milk as a typical serving only contains 8 grams of carbohydrates in 7 grams which are sugar. These sugars from the carbohydrate content thus have minimal effect on our bodies versus that of normal dairy milk containing simple sugars which the body store as fat thus the body tend to miss out these vital nutrients what are cornerstone to almond benefits. When you’re looking for instructions on how to make almond, then take a look at Amazon for an almond maker and it’ll come with full instructions on utilising the almond milk benefits. Almonds contain only 8 gms of carbohydrates per serving. What this means is, it contains only 7 gms sugar, that is much less when compared to other milk alternatives. Thus, it may be concluded that consuming milk helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels. Also, the sugar present within the almonds is of low glycemic nature, meaning it is fully digestible and is absorbed completely through the body to be converted into energy.
It’s a lesser known fact that apart from as being a low fat diet, almond milk is also full of calcium and vitamin D. These two nutrients would be the building blocks for healthy bones. Actually, it has been proved that consuming one serving a day of almond milk provides you with more calcium than regular cow milk. Vitamin D includes a number of other benefits too enjoy it helps in decreasing the risk of osteoporosis, improving immunity and resisting Alzheimer’s disease. More information about benefit of almond milk, you can visit
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