Press Release / Government / The Promotion and Development Units are Fostering the Innovative Spirit of Entrepreneurs
The Promotion and Development Units are Fostering the Innovative Spirit of Entrepreneurs
By Consejeria de Empleo y Economia on March 18 2013 | 557 Views
It stressed the "great commitment of the Government to ensure that employment workshops and training courses revitalize the labor market"
Spain, March 16, 2013 - The CEO of Formation of Castile-La Mancha, Paloma Barredo, under the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, said that "Promotion Unit and Basin Development will contribute with the Government of Castilla-La Mancha improve employability and promote the innovative spirit of entrepreneurs. "
During a visit to the business incubator of the Provincial de Cuenca with its president, Benjamin Prieto, Barredo recalled that "the province of Cuenca has 12 employment workshops for 104 students valued at 1,221,327 euros.
Regarding employment workshops, recalled that "the commitment of the Government of Cospedal is job creation and, therefore, all students of the workshops will be constantly tutored to improve the degree of impact on the labor market" .
Barredo has insisted that "Castilla-La Mancha is setting an example in Spain of how to combine theoretical training with practical work in a productive professional real". In this same regard, he recalled that "once the training program will provide students with the tutoring of the implementation of the business plan and encourage the development of projects aimed at the recovery of traditional trades that involve a job opportunity."
During the visit, the general director of education said that "our intention is to enhance the implementation of projects that trigger the development of the regions, generate wealth and therefore jobs."
In relation to training, Barredo recalled that in the province of Cuenca have approved a total of 39 shares for an amount of EUR 1,966,881.
In this regard, he stressed that "this call has carried out a very ambitious and agreed with the business of Castilla-La Mancha through the Regional Market Observatory for the training we are developing really meets the needs sectors and, thus, increase the chances of entering the labor market. " Barredo said that "both the UPDS, such as training and employment workshops reflect the commitment of the Government of Cospedal for employment generation in Castilla-La Mancha."
Finally, the president of the Council of Cuenca, Benjamin Prieto, highlighted the involvement of the provincial institution in supporting the work of the Unit for the Promotion and Development of face-to-business initiatives that might arise from these training.
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