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Press Release / Health and Fitness / The Power of A Power Nap

The Power of A Power Nap

By Kitty Johnson on September 12 2013 | 344 Views

When that midday sleepiness sets in do you succomb? Or do you fight it fearing you’ll somehow wake up feeling less rested? Here are some things to consider when deciding if a daily nap is for you and

When that midday sleepiness sets in do you succomb? Or do you fight it fearing you’ll somehow wake up feeling less rested? Here are some things to consider when deciding if a daily nap is for you and some tips to get the most out of it.

Set The Scene

Once you’ve decided to take a nap don’t be afraid to commit yourself fully. Maybe taking a nap makes you feel a little guilty (there’s always something else that needs to be done), so you deny yourself the comforts necessary to a good rest. Even if you’re planning a quick nap, make sure it’s in a quiet, dark place. Keep yourself warm — your body temperature drops when you sleep. Sleeping in an uncomfortable position or place makes you much more likely to wake up still tired. Avoid falling asleep to TV or louder music.

Calculate Your Cycles

There are several phone applications and online calculators that allow you to calculate REM cycles. They will require you to enter an estimate of your waking time and your desired sleeping time. They will then map out your sleep cycles and generate the time that would be best for you to set an alarm. Waking up during non-REM sleep at the top of a cycle is less likely to make you feel groggy or impair your alertness. You can use these calculators when planning to take a nap to get rest without the negative aftereffects. If you don’t have access to an REM calculator remember naps should generally be kept short (e.g. 20-30 min.). If you’re feeling extremely tired and have the time, allow yourself an hour but no longer.

Make It Midday

Avoid napping anytime after 4 p.m. It’s much more likely that later naps will affect your sleep that night, furthering a circular cycle of sleep deprivation. That is, the later you nap, the later you experience the energy boost a nap provides and the less likely you are to be tired that night at a reasonable hour. Between the hours of noon and 4 your body is experiencing a low point in its circadian rhythm and can most benefit from a short nap.

Treat Sleepiness At The Source

Napping is a proven quick-fix for sleep deprivation. A nap following a shorter night’s sleep can help you get the rest your body needs to recover from the strain of a morning’s duties and face the remainder of the day with refilled energy. However if you find yourself repeatedly waking up from a night’s sleep tired, you should consider the cause of your sleep disruption. Various treatable sleep disorders leave their sufferers exhausted despite efforts to get in a full night’s rest. If you are looking to begin your own or your child’s teeth straightening endeavor call Lifetime Smiles and set up an appointment today!

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