Press Release / Government / The Ministry of Employment and La Caixa Organized the Awards "Entrepreneur XXI", in Collaboration with the Ministry of Industry
The Ministry of Employment and La Caixa Organized the Awards "Entrepreneur XXI", in Collaboration with the Ministry of Industry
By Consejeria de Empleo y Economia on April 08 2013 | 528 Views
The Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Castilla-La Mancha and La Caixa, in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism through the National Innovation Company SA (ENISA)
The Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Castilla-La Mancha and La Caixa, in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism through the National Innovation Company SA (ENISA), jointly organized a new edition of the awards " Entrepreneur XXI "to" acknowledge the work and effort of all those who have turned an idea into a business betting decisively for our region. "
Spain, April 06, 2013 - The Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Castilla-La Mancha and La Caixa, in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism through the National Innovation Company SA (Enisa ), jointly organized a new edition of the award "Entrepreneur XXI" to "acknowledge the work and effort of all those who have turned an idea into a business betting decisively in our region."
Home Carmen has moved its support to all participants stating that "the Government of Cospedal believes that entrepreneurs are a cornerstone in the economic regeneration of our region."
Thus, the minister said that "the government will work with all those initiatives that bring value to the work undertaken by entrepreneurs in economic regeneration and productive."
The details of the edition of 2013 were discussed at a meeting at the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, with the presence of the Director General of Economy, Competitiveness and Trade, Antonio Conde.
Entrepreneurs participants can expect a total of 41 awards, valued at leading companies in its industry, its market history and milestones. It has also established two categories, one directed to projects in early stages with less than 2 years in the category called "you undertake", and one for innovative companies already established in their sector or a path between two and seven years known as category "far". The deadline for registration is April 21.
The Ministry of Employment and La Caixa Organized the Awards "Entrepreneur XXI", in Collaboration with the Ministry of Industry
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