Press Release / Government / The Minister of Employment Ensures that this Term will continue to Create Companies and Create Jobs
The Minister of Employment Ensures that this Term will continue to Create Companies and Create Jobs
By Consejeria de Empleo y Economia on June 05 2013 | 659 Views
Stresses that tax cuts announced by Cospedal Region Day demonstrate the Government’s commitment to the recovery of our economy
Spain, June 03, 2013 - The Minister of Employment and the Economy of Castilla-La Mancha, Home Carmen said today that the steps taken by the Government of Cospedal "are beginning to bear fruit." In his view, the improved economic indicators pointing "will begin to notice at street level in the coming months", which will translate into jobs. "In this legislature will continue to create companies and create jobs," he summarized.
Home Carmen visited the Quercus employment workshop in Ciudad Real, dedicated to gardening and nurseries, with a financial grant of 180,000 euros and is intended for 16 people for a period of six months, synchronizing professional experience, through a contract for training, with theoretical training, listed in the certificate of professionalism. There, the minister said that "we are confident that the work we are doing to generate employment serve structural and not cyclical, as happened so far in Castilla-La Mancha."
In this regard, he invited the workshop students to "use the training they are receiving" and has claimed "do not be afraid to take, and that self-employment is the best professional out there right now." Also reminded them that workshops like this are possible thanks to the help of the government led by Maria Dolores Cospedal, which also is launching recruitment incentives, financing and consolidation of business projects.
Accompanied by the delegate of the Board of Communities in Ciudad Real, Antonio Lucas-Torres, and the mayor of the city, Rosa Romero, the minister stressed the implementation of a hundred employment workshops in Castilla-La Mancha, directed to an estimated one thousand students, with an investment of eleven million euros, which aims to "as many as possible of all of them to find employment commensurate with the training they have received."
In this regard, he highlighted the "hard work of analysis" carried out to determine what were the greatest career workshops and, thus, achieve "not only a high labor market participation, but also make good use of every last penny we have for policies to create jobs in our region. "
Tax cuts announced by Cospedal accelerate economic recovery
In response to questions from the media, Casero said that "tax cuts announced by President Cospedal Region Day demonstrate the Government’s commitment to accelerate economic recovery and that this results in the generation of structural employment in the shortest time possible. "
On tourism, Casero also welcomed the success of the last bridge in Castilla-La Mancha, where World Heritage cities like Toledo and Cuenca have been virtually a ’one hundred percent occupancy, "thanks to the celebration of Day Basin Region or the announcement of next statement as a Cultural Toledo Corpus. Also good data has been reported to have occurred in other provinces, highlighting the interprovincial level tourism.
Finally, he referred to the "importance of continuing liquidity to companies coming from the hand of the banking sector." However, the Minister of Employment and the Economy has stated that "until such time as the second financial reform, we are adopting various agreements with banks that result in an opening of credit on very favorable terms."
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Consejeria de Empleo y Economia
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Consejeria de Empleo y Economia
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Create Jobs, Castilla-La Mancha, Create Companies, Employment, Toledo
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