Press Release / Government / The Government of Cospedal and EOI Injected 7.5 Million for our Companies to become More Innovative and More Competitive
The Government of Cospedal and EOI Injected 7.5 Million for our Companies to become More Innovative and More Competitive
By Consejeria de Empleo y Economia on May 16 2013 | 594 Views
The Government relies on the programs "Castilla-La Mancha region of entrepreneurship" and "Centers of Excellence" providing 500,000 euros each
Spain, May 10, 2013 - The Minister of Employment and the Economy of Castilla-La Mancha, Carmen Casero, and the general director of the School of Industrial Organization (EOI), Fernando Bayon, have signed a collaboration agreement to make our businesses more innovative and competitive "through two programs called" Castilla-La Mancha region of entrepreneurship "and" Centers of Excellence ".
These programs have a funding of 7.5 million euros and are located in the Action Plan for Youth Employment endowed with a whole 26.1 million euros.
In regard to the "Castilla-La Mancha region of entrepreneurship", developed into one of the agreements, the Minister of Employment and the Economy has stated that with a budget of five million euros, of which the Government regional provide 500,000 euros, 500,000 euros EOI other and the four million will be borne by the European Social Fund.
Home has explained that "it is the implementation of 48 courses for approximately 1,500 young entrepreneurs in our region to have the support of true professionals on the journey from conception of an idea to its implementation back up and market positioning. "
With these courses, the Government of Cospedal claims that "all business initiatives arising in our region have the right conditions for their stay".
In this regard, the minister said that "from the Government of Cospedal we want everything to be done in the field of entrepreneurship is made intelligently, which is why we are developing these courses, to be the real professionals who show the way the entrepreneur and, thus, achieve that there is not a single obstacle that could endanger the survival of the project. "
The second of the agreements signed develop Centres of Excellence program has a funding of 2.5 million euros, of which the Government funds and the remaining 500,000 euros EOI through FEDER funds.
Home has explained that "taking advantage of the infrastructure already in place in our region we will develop this project that we want to increase the basis of innovation among companies of Castilla-La Mancha."
The sites chosen for implementation of the seven Centres of Excellence will Albacete, for everything related to sustainable development and Ciudad Real on food products, exploiting the potential of this province, especially with regard to wine. The third center is located in Tomelloso for metal-mechanical sector for the high potential of companies in this locality.
The room will be located in Illescas to create synergies with major international aerospace companies reference this town of Toledo. The fifth, related to cultural industries, is located in Cuenca "for the revitalization of the sector companies." The sixth will be in Guadalajara and relate to the logistics sector leveraging the Henares Corridor importance. The seventh and last, the Talavera de la Reina, will address the field of design.
Home, said that "it is ultimately 7.5 million euros with which we intend to increase both the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship among citizens of Castilla-La Mancha"
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