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Press Release / Health and Fitness / The Florida House Experience Offers Exceptional Rehab Services to the Residents of Massachusetts and New Hampshire

The Florida House Experience Offers Exceptional Rehab Services to the Residents of Massachusetts and New Hampshire

By eptio60 on February 04 2014 | 384 Views

This press release outlines the benefits of using Florida House Experience for drug and alcohol rehab.

Deerfield Beach, FL -- 02/04/2014 -- The Florida House Experience, a leading drug and alcohol dependence rehabilitation treatment facility that offers opiate, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, alcohol and other substance addiction treatment services is please to announce that they are accepting new patients from Massachusetts and New Hampshire in 2014. "January is the perfect time for addicts seeking a quality Massachussetts Addiction Treatment services and New Hampshire Addiction Treatment services," says a public relations representation from Florida House. "With the new year comes new commitments from those looking to kick their drug and alcohol addictions for good and bring about a lasting change for the better in their lives."

The Florida House Experience offers a comprehensive drug and alcohol treatment program that begins with a medically managed detox program which is followed by intensive therapy programs designed to address the underlying causes of addition and offer the patient the opportunity to build the life and coping skills they need to be able to live life without the use of drugs or alcohol. "Today I can look back and be grateful for the good AND the bad memories I have back in New Hampshire. I miss my mountains everyday, but I know starting my life in Florida is what God has in store for me," says Lisa, a graduate of the Danville drug treatment program offered by Florida House. "I will be celebrate 10 months sober this month, I have a good job, and amazing friends in the program! Most importantly I have respect for myself and even though they are a thousand miles away, I have a relationship with my family again."

"The consequences of my use not only affected me but also my family and friends. I never had to lose any material things (job, house car etc) as many addicts do to hit their bottom," says Erin, a graduate of the Boston drug treatment program. "My bottom consisted of a feeling complete emptiness. Every day that I continued to use became worse than the previous day. I knew that there was no hope for my life if I were to continue using. A friend of mine from Acton, who also struggled with addiction came to treatment in Florida a few years before and had been sober ever since."

And these are only a few of the success stories of the patients that have been through the Florida House Experience.

The state of the art drug rehab center at the Florida House Experience provides a suite of inpatient, outpatient and ongoing support programs that are designed to ease patients out of a life of drugs and into a productive life free from the chains of their addictions. This provides the patients of the Florida House Experience the best chance for success.

About The Florida House Experience

Florida House Experience is a state of the art drug and alcohol rehabilitation center that has created highly successful treatment programs that have provided many recovering addicts a second chance at a long, healthy and productive life. For more information please visit

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