Press Release / Government / The Centre of Excellence will continue Placing Province Ciudad Real as a Pioneer in the Food Industry
The Centre of Excellence will continue Placing Province Ciudad Real as a Pioneer in the Food Industry
By Consejeria de Empleo y Economia on July 30 2013 | 1003 Views
Stresses that the regional government aims to attract new businesses and make them more competitive ensures that the latest data from the EPA show that Castilla-La Mancha is on the right track
Spain, July 29, 2013 - The Minister of Employment and the Economy of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, Carmen Home, said today that the Centre of Excellence to the Government chaired by María Dolores Cospedal and School of Industrial Organization launched in Ciudad Real, continue placing as a province in the food industry pioneer.
In this regard, the minister said that this center aims to attract new businesses to the county, so that they achieve to be more competitive in both domestic and international markets.
After a meeting that has taken place in the city of Ciudad Real, with its mayor, Rosa Romero, which also participated the delegate of the Board in this province, Antonio Lucas Torres, Home has reported the launch before the end of this year seven centers of excellence across the region, with the aim of "helping businesses grow and win business musculature.
Implementation of the seven centers of excellence, in addition to the 48 courses of the Castilla- La Mancha region of entrepreneurship, are part of the Action Plan for Youth Employment, following the agreement signed with the School of Industrial Organization by $ 7.5 million.
Regarding the second program, Castilla-La Mancha region of entrepreneurship, Home has detailed the mayor of Ciudad Real that we have a budget of 5 million euros to carry out a total of 48 courses of senior management, ten of which are in the province of Ciudad Real, to more than 1,500 students in Castilla-La Mancha can learn to take.
The Minister of Employment and the Economy has also stressed that only from Ciudad Real exports 42 percent of food products throughout the region, representing a 43 weight percent of the total exports of the province.
EPA data show that we are on the right track
On the other hand, the Minister of Employment and the Economy has stressed that the latest data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) show that Castilla-La Mancha is on the right track, while the PSOE regretted attempts to question the work done by officials in obtaining these figures, by the mere fact that he does not like data have been recorded.
Home recalled that the EPA, as its name indicates, is a survey that is conducted by telephone between 0.13 per cent of the Spanish population and then extrapolated to 100 percent, in contrast to unemployment data are published every second working day of each month, when one counts all unemployed registered in labor offices and entrepreneurs.
Moreover, he lamented that the PSOE has not respected the day of mourning that has persisted for three days this country after the train accident in Santiago de Compostela, which added that we have never seen in Spain political opportunism of this magnitude.
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