Press Release / Government / The Centre of Excellence in Design to be Located in Talavera Accelerate Economic Recovery and Employment
The Centre of Excellence in Design to be Located in Talavera Accelerate Economic Recovery and Employment
By Consejeria de Empleo y Economia on July 23 2013 | 743 Views
Stresses that Talavera de la Reina takes five consecutive months reducing unemployment Ensures that the Government of Cospedal commitment to entrepreneurship and innovation to create jobs
Spain, July 20, 2013 - The Minister of Employment and the Economy of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, Carmen Home, said that since Talavera de la Reina is a first class city in the field of design and technology, the government led by Maria Dolores Cospedal located one of the seven centers of excellence in this area, with the aim to improve entrepreneurship and accelerating economic recovery from this sector.
During a meeting with the mayor of Talavera de la Reina, Gonzalo Lake, and has participated in the delegate of the Board in this city, Maria Soledad Luqui, Casero explained that the Government of Cospedal and School of Industrial Organization (EOI) under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism has signed a cooperation agreement worth 7.5 million euros to develop two of the programs of the Action Plan for Youth Employment, specifically Centers of Excellence and Castilla-La Mancha region of endeavor.
The first program has funding of 2.5 million euros, of which the Government funds and the remaining 500,000 euros EOI through ERDF.
Casero, during the meeting with Lake, explained that the Government of Cospedal wants to use the infrastructure already built in our region to encourage entrepreneurial innovation in our region.
Apart from Talavera de la Reina, will have centers of excellence in Castilla-La Mancha Albacete city, in all matters related to sustainable development, Ciudad Real on food products, Tomelloso for the metal-mechanic, Illescas that of aeronautics, in Cuenca cultural and tourism industries and logistics sector Guadalajara.
The second program, Castile-La Mancha region of entrepreneurship, recalled that Home has a budget of 5 million euros, of which the regional pay 500,000 euros, another 500,000 to the Ministry of Industry and the four million remaining European Social Fund, to be managed by the School of Industrial Organization (EOI). This program will develop a total of 48 courses of senior management for more than 1,500 students from Castilla-La Mancha.
As has moved the head of Employment and the Economy, the objective of the government led by Maria Dolores Cospedal is to promote innovation-based projects for our entrepreneurs to become more competitive and entrepreneurial muscles.
Casero, during their meeting at Talavera de la Reina with the mayor and the Delegate of the Board, has also shown the behavior that is taking unemployment since the beginning of the year in this city, the second most populous of Castilla- La Mancha, among other relevant topics.
In this regard, he recalled that takes five months of unemployment constant decreases, which means that nearly a thousand people since the beginning of the year have found jobs in this city both in the industry, such as construction, agriculture and services.
Finally, he assured that Talavera de la Reina and its region are a clear example of economic and employment recovery thanks to the commitment by the business that is being carried out by the Government of Castilla-La Mancha and assistance programs self-employment, hiring, innovation, trade and globalization, among others.
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