Press Release / Government / The Centre of Excellence in Albacete Increase the Potential and Sustainable Development in Businesses of this Province
The Centre of Excellence in Albacete Increase the Potential and Sustainable Development in Businesses of this Province
By Consejeria de Empleo y Economia on July 25 2013 | 790 Views
Before the end of the year we will launch the seven centers of excellence referred to in the Action Plan for Youth Employment.
Spain, July 22, 2013 - The Minister of Employment and the Economy of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, Carmen Home, said that the Centre of Excellence to the Government chaired by María Dolores Cospedal and School of Industrial Organization (EOI) under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourist launched in this city, "will help develop sustainable economy enterprises and increase their competitiveness in the region.
Following a meeting in the city of Albacete with its mayor, Carmen Bayod, which also participated delegate of the Board in the province, Javier Cuenca, Casero recalled that the Government of Castilla-La Mancha will be driven-by the end of this year, seven centers of excellence, in order to increase entrepreneurship and accelerate economic recovery the region.
Speaking to the media, the minister informed that the Action Plan for Youth Employment has two performances worth 7.5 million euros to develop programs Centers of Excellence and Castilla-La Mancha region of endeavor.
First of them has a budget of 2.5 million euros and all centers of excellence will be located in existing facilities in Castilla-La Mancha.
In this sense, he considered vital that we take advantage of synergies in each population to increase corporate muscle in the different sectors chosen from an entrepreneurial basis.
Albacete center addition also will launch other centers of excellence in Talavera de la Reina, in matters related to the design of Ciudad Real in food products; Tomelloso for the metal-mechanic; Illescas in aeronautics; Basin in the cultural industries, tourism and finally in Guadalajara for the logistics sector.
Castilla- La Mancha region of entrepreneurship
The second program, the Minister of Employment and the Economy has also informed the mayor’s budget of five million euros for the implementation of 48 courses of senior management, which will benefit more than 1,500 students Castilla-La Mancha, eleven of which will be developed in the province of Albacete and two in the city itself.
Bayod Home and analyzed the different actions to be developed in the coming months in Castilla-La Mancha to move forward on employment. On this point, the minister recalled that in the province of Albacete has reduced the number of unemployed in 5,818 people so far this year, there have been a total of 54,810 between January and June contracts and 634 contracts support entrepreneurs since it came into force the Labor Reform Act.
Home has also highlighted the new autonomous enrollment of 172 in the last month the province of Albacete, reaching the figure of 28,752, an increase of 0.60 percent previous month. On the other hand, high social security have been increased by 2.13 percent, 2,540 more than in May.
Moreover, since Cospedal is president of Castilla-La Mancha have created 1,252 corporations, while 587 have increased capital, which in his view is a symptom of the evolution that is living the economy in our region.
Finally, in response to questions from the media about the evolution of unemployment in the last two years in the municipalities of over 10,000 inhabitants, Casero said that these data show that management made in the councils of the Popular Party is far more positive than the PSOE have lived.
As an example, referred to the city of Toledo, which has increased by nearly 37 percent the number of unemployed, making it the worst evolution has been in Castilla-La Mancha.
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