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Press Release / Government / The Center of Excellence Tomelloso Companies Enhance the Mechanical and Metal

The Center of Excellence Tomelloso Companies Enhance the Mechanical and Metal

By Consejeria de Empleo y Economia on July 23 2013 | 736 Views

The government led by Maria Dolores Cospedal has provided more than 3.1 million employment workshops in the province of Ciudad Real

Spain, July 19, 2013 - The Minister of Employment and the Economy of the regional executive, Carmen Home, said that the center of excellence that the Government of Castilla-La Mancha launched in Tomelloso by the School of Industrial Organization, will help empower businesses of mechanical and metal sectors.

Home, during a visit to Tomelloso employment workshop on home help, recalled that the development of the seven centers of excellence in our region have a funding of 2.5 million euros and help to encourage innovation in our region in each of these sectors.

Future Center of Excellence, according to the minister, is based on the Youth Employment Plan and will be dedicated to the metal sector where the province Tomelloso Real City have a very important role. In this way, noted, new companies setting up in Tomelloso will be more competitive and make the business continue to give good news to the region.

In another vein, the Minister of Employment and the Economy has stated that the program Castilla-La Mancha region of entrepreneurship, has a budget of five million euros to promote entrepreneurship projects in our region.

In this regard, he announced that the government led by Maria Dolores Cospedal launched in Tomelloso - in collaboration with the city-one of the 48 courses of senior management for entrepreneurs, with the aim of contributing to economic recovery and employment in the province, Castilla-La Mancha.

Employment and Entrepreneurship workshops

During his visit to the workshop home help that is being developed in Tomelloso (Ciudad Real), the minister said that our goal is that the ten students who are conducting this training can carry out a business initiative.

In this regard, he said employment workshops and entrepreneurship that are developing throughout the region, 25 of them in the province of Ciudad Real by 3,115,000 euros investment made by the Government of Cospedal do not end in the formative period as a Upon completion of the classes, students will receive extensive tutoring they can use to turn your business venture into a thriving business capable of generating employment.

Home has insisted that the goal from day one we set in employment workshops and entrepreneurship is to be projects that trigger the development of the regions, generate wealth and therefore jobs in our region.

He highlighted that we have always prioritized the development of services that have a career in our towns and cities, such as the case in Tomelloso home help, for which we have contributed financially with funding of 112,246 euros.

Also pointed out that education is a priority to ensure that our young people can join the labor market to achieve success from self-employment as well as the investment of more than 352 million active employment policy, in order to ensure that our region can look forward to a more promising than it did in the past.

Finally Home stressed that Tomelloso is a city of entrepreneurs being able to make the best of herself to gradually continue creating jobs and accelerating recovery in our region.

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Consejeria de Empleo y Economia
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Consejeria de Empleo y Economia
Address: Avda Ireland No 14

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