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Press Release / Lifestyle / The Best Shisha You’ll Ever Have

The Best Shisha You’ll Ever Have

By Tryas on October 11 2013 | 414 Views

Hookah pipes today available in Supplier Shisha and come in many styles, from Egyptian to Syrian, traveling, mini and mod models to specialty and custom designs

The word shisha, which is often another word for hookah, comes from the Persian meaning glass or bottle. Hookahs and the culture of hookah smoking is often referred to as hookah shisha. Somewhat confusingly, at first, people also refer to hookah tobacco as shisha, or hookah shisha--and there is a Shisha brand of hookah shisha!

There’s a saying that Shisha are less dangerous than smoking cigarette or pipe smoking. How true is that? Maybe it is because it is indirectly done when smoking? According to the WHO, analysis have reached to the point that it is far more dangerous than smoking cigarettes or pipe smoking. One is getting more smoke from the hookah than smoking a stick of a cigarette thus exposing to smoke in a longer period of time. Inhaling that smoke from the hookah is like inhaling toxic gases and compounds and also some heavy metals thus leading to pulmonary and cardiac problems. It means water in the pipe doesn’t filter the smoke but does absorb nicotine.
Hookah pipes today available in Supplier Shisha and come in many styles, from Egyptian to Syrian, traveling, mini and mod models to specialty and custom designs. There is a world of history in the craftsmanship of hookah pipes. Traditional materials used in making hookahs were blown glass, often highly decorated in gold or enamel painting, brass, aluminum, silver, porcelain, clay, carved stone and wood, and leather. All these same materials are used today, with the addition of stainless steel, Pyrex glass, plastic, rubber, and high quality acrylics, among others.
There’s a fact that leads to saying, Shisha is just equal to and the same with smoking cigarettes. But it is just that like smoking 100 to 200 times cigarettes in a 60-minute Hookah session. Thus saying that it is more dangerous than smoking a cigarette. Another thing is that it is unhygienic and unhealthy when there are more than 2 sharing the pipe. One could acquire respiratory or pulmonary problems by passing the pipe to another and another. Going to cafes that has Sheesha for everyone is unhealthy. Inhaling the smoke from those who are doing a session is still considered as a passive smoker. And come to think of it, passive smokers acquires fatal health complications than active smokers. More information about Distributor Shisha, please visit

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Jl. WR. Supratman Pondok Ranji Ciputat Timur,
Tangsel Jakarta Selatan

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