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Press Release / Art & Entertainment / The Andean Sky God Website Solidifies Ancient Alien Arguments for the Nazca Lines

The Andean Sky God Website Solidifies Ancient Alien Arguments for the Nazca Lines

By Morten.George on November 15 2013 | 372 Views

The Andean Sky God Website returns to the ancient astronaut theme, but here the aliens no longer occupy spacecraft looking for a landing strip.

November 15, 2013. FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida. The lines and ground drawings of Nazca --fully intelligible only from the sky-- have long been considered one of the world’s great mysteries. Literally dozens of theories have been proposed to explain the lines ranging from the easily refutable (astronomical calendar) to the absurd (to sell balloon-ride tickets). The Andean Sky God Website returns to the ancient astronaut theme, but here the aliens no longer occupy spacecraft looking for a landing strip. Now they are just a single flying fish no more than half the size of a man: the sky god of Tiwanaku.

Tiwanaku was an ancient city located high in the Bolivian plateau several hundred kilometers to the southeast of Nazca. Contemporaneous with Nazca, the Tiwanaku civilization is known for its "crying god," which is depicted over the doorway of the famed Gateway of the Sun. According to Morten St. George, founder of the Andean Sky God Website, those are not tears we see but bubbles inside a water-filled helmet with transparent visor that cannot be reflected in stone etchings. Fish-head symbols indicate its aquatic nature, and bird-heads symbolize its ability to fly.

A strong connection between Tiwanaku and Nazca is established by a Nazca geoglyph (ground drawing) that directly depicts the Tiwanaku sky god and by an even more detailed depiction found on Nazca pottery. Spirals, four-fingered hands, human heads attached to the head of fish, are some of the features found in both Tiwanaku engravings and the Nazca geoglyphs.

St. George theorizes that the people of Tiwanaku believed this creature lived in the sea, so they made ground drawings in coastal regions to attract its attention as soon as it emerged from the sea and went into flight over land. Thus, the Candelabra trident geoglyph of Paracas, representing the sky god’s tri-pod tail, points southeast to Tiwanaku. The four upward protrusions of the Atacama Giant geoglyph in Chile, representing the sky god’s four cranial gills, point eastward toward Tiwanaku. In Nazca, many lines converge on water sources for the flying aquatic to descend and refresh itself, and giant trapezoids point the way back to Tiwanaku.

Perhaps the Nazca Lines were made by Tiwanaku and not by the people of Nazca, but why does Morten St. George think it reflects an ancient astronaut rather than a mythological god? "In artwork from around the ancient world, flying gods and angels are typically depicted with wings, but the Andean sky god has no wings. To the contrary, Tiwanaku engravings are suggestive of an anti-gravitational field being created by his hand-held instruments, enabling the creature to ascend or descend from the sky in a spiral motion."

The Andean Sky God Website provides drawings, photographs, and external links to support all aspects of its ancient astronaut theory.


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