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By Ayuntamiento de Torrijos on May 30 2013 | 735 Views

3D Printers, an online platform with printable objects in three dimensions and a simple operating system for people of any age can carry out this type of printing

Torrijos, Spain, May 29, 2013 - The Evaluation Commission of the Business Incubator "Manuel Diaz Ruiz" Torrijos (Toledo) met this morning for the second time to award the following business project that is will develop in these new facilities, after last week assigned the young torrijeña undertaken by Miriam Palomo. This time has been to Diego Gómez Marín, also resident in Torrijos, who was thinking of going abroad to grow in their field of expertise: innovation and technological development, but wanted to give it a try at home and more specifically exploit the advantages offered by the new "Business Incubator" installed in your town.

The project Rascomras, Company Search & Make that directs Diego Gomez covers several areas such as robotics and mechanical engineering, programming, chemical research, and 3-D printing, having seen Gomez in this last section an interesting possibility business because this company is not only going to make it easier for citizens to acquire a low cost 3D printer that can be deployed "at any SME or any home", but it also gives the user the possibility to access the first online Spanish speaking printable targets as well as a basic operating system and functional with any of any age who can handle a Smartphone or Tablet 3D printer can use an intuitive way.

Chemical research is closely related to this type of printing, it allows the company to innovate in materials like graphene, light yet very strong. Moreover, as this professional commented "we’re printing on food, with plastic, wood we’re testing, we are printing very soon with metals, hence anything we materials that will continue to innovate and that will mean that we will come to all business sectors. "

Asked about his decision to settle in the "Manuel Diaz Ruiz," the youth has admitted that "it is good not only for researchers, engineers or chemists but to be firm because you have very good product, good initiative that you have, if not you now, and you have some knowledge to manage it, how to reach different sectors, different formulas that a large company, it is very difficult for you to become nothing "

For his part, Councillor Economic and Urban Development, Angel Collado, has been pleasantly admired the product offered by Diego Gomez. "He insists that this did not invent it, but I was surprised how shapes, how to believe in the project, how you think it can be improved and how you think can affect everyday life, not only in business , will be the first group of people to take with a 3D printer, but he wants that printer also reach our homes. "

About to appear this afternoon the third project that could stay in the Nursery torrijeño corresponding to VOS American company, the mayor has welcomed the development of the first phase of awards. "It would award five offices and so far we have had three applications but within those three requests are talking six offices so that the success of this first phase was 100 percent."

Torrijos City Council wants to promote through the Business Incubator "Manuel Diaz Ruiz" that talent like Diego Gomez stay in our country and generate wealth within and not outside it.

Press Contact:
Ayuntamiento de Torrijos
Media Relations
Ayuntamiento de Torrijos
Plaza de San Gil, 7 - 45500 Torrijos (Toledo)
925 770 801

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