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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Sun Labs Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion On Sale At Sun Laboratories Website

Sun Labs Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion On Sale At Sun Laboratories Website

By laborator on August 23 2012 | 287 Views

To learn more about the exquisite line of sunless tanning products available for all skin types at Sun Labs, visit them on their website at

23rd August 2012 - Get the perfect tan for your skin without harming it from the sun or a tanning bed, by visiting Sun Laboratories Website at There, you will be able to find the most extraordinary list of sunless tanning products available that are effective at giving you a gorgeous, sun-kissed glow, without harming your skin. They have an extraordinary list of sunless tanning products, which are all-natural, and include face tanning lotions, gels, body exfoliators, sunscreen and so much more, ideal for every skin type.

No matter what type of can you want to achieve, you will be able to find sunless tanning products for your entire body, including your sensitive facial skin, as well as airbrush and spray cans, body polishers and more. They also carry an extensive list of sunscreen, tanning oils and more, to ensure that your skin is safe from the harmful effects of the sun, sea you can have all the fun you want outside. Sun Laboratories website proffers an extensive list of options and deals available right now, and one of the best is their Sun Labs Ultra Dark tanning lotion.

Sun Labs ultra dark tanning lotion has been specifically formulated to create the darkest, deepest yet natural looking tan. This tanning lotion contains a proprietary bronzer, which enhances your current and, making it darker immediately. This is truly amazing for anybody who wants a deeper, darker tan that will last for many days.

You never have to worry about streaking, missing spots or applying it wrong, because the Sun Labs ultra dark self-tanning lotion is street free, non-greasy and dries fast. Along with prolonging your sunless tan, it will hydrate, nourish and revitalize your skin, improving your natural elasticity. It provides a beautiful, sun-kissed glow all year round, and currently, Sun Laboratories website is providing this particular sunless tanning lotion product at up to 50% off.

This is exciting news, particularly when you purchase one ultra dark self-tanning lotion, you will receive an eight-ounce bottle of tan maintainer, free. This is an awesome deal, because having a tan maintainer soothes, softens and moisturizes your skin with a light yet indulgent body lotion. This improves and enhances every sunless tanner available from Sun Labs, providing you with the most beautiful, gorgeous tan you can imagine.

No matter what color tan you want, you can naturally, quickly and safely get the tan you want, any time of year, without harming your skin from UV rays of the sun or tanning bed with one of these exquisite self tanners. They are all natural, and every ingredient in their lotion, self-tanning products, tan maintainers, exfoliators and everything else is natural as well. This ensures that you achieve a beautiful tan, all while protecting your skin from the sun, and preventing additional damage from harsh chemicals, because there are not any.

If you want to experience a beautiful tan, year-round, naturally and safely, visit Sun Laboratories website at today. In addition, you can contact the toll-free at 800-333-6003, extension 147 with any concerns or questions that you may have about their products. There is someone available from 8 AM to 4:30 PM PST, Monday to Friday to help you.

Check out Sun Laboratories Website today to find out more about the extensive list of sunless tanning products, as well as the incredible deal available on Sun Labs Ultra Dark tanning lotion and more.

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