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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Sun Laboratories in California has many Special Self Tanning products on Promotion at this Spring

Sun Laboratories in California has many Special Self Tanning products on Promotion at this Spring

By tyyrr45 on May 25 2013 | 308 Views

Instead of needing to lie in the sun for hours and risking sunburn to acquire a tan, self tanning products quickly provide the desired skin tone.

Spring is well underway and summer is almost upon us. No one fashion conscious wishes to be caught with a pale skin, since it is widely regarded as being very un cool to be untanned.

At the same time science tells us that there are holes in the Ozone Layer and that the sun’s rays are getting more vicious. That sun Tanning increases the risk of cancers and deadly melanomas and that it also increases ones apparent age and makes one look a lot older as the years advance.

Sun Tanning itself is a time consuming process. Firstly one has to rush out and purchase expensive and High Sun Protection Factor (SPF) sun tan lotions which are meant to stop the harmful effect of the sun’s rays but at the same time reduce the speed at which one’s skin turns brown. As our backs and stomachs and arms and legs get more used to the sun we reduce the SPF factors until we are using a very mild cream but this will have taken days and weeks of lying in the sun and doing nothing much else, Not very productive unless one is on vacation on a beach.

But there is an alternative:

Sun Labs in California has spent years developing and producing natural look self tanning lotions that, if properly applied, look and seem like the real thing. In addition these act as solar protection lotions and help to prevent the sun actually scorching your skin when you do in fact lie in the sun.

Sun Labs frequently give promotions on their products, and this spring is no exception. Some very generous discounted prices are available for a range of self tanning products.

All products are to do with coloring one’s skin with a lotion that changes its color from a pale and pasty shade to a darker golden brown hue. There are ranges of tan available to suit the customer, Whether they want to look lightly tanned or wish to wear a deep bronzed look as if they have spent a month at sea exposed to the sun for hours every day.

In order to get the full benefit of the product it is advisable to prepare your skin beforehand. You may be aware that the surface of your skin always has layers of dead skin cells which steadily fall off. Sunlabs tanning products include exfoliating scrubs which should be applied and after use thoroughly washed off prior to application of the best tanning lotion available.

The Self tanner on offer in the first page of the Featured Products on the website includes a body gel for this purpose to be applied first, then comes the tanning products themselves as well as a moisturizing lotion to extend the life of the tanning products before fading and the need to re apply.

These and similar packages are to be found on the website. Just click on the links to find a product suitable for your needs.

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