Press Release / Legal / Law / Steven A. Certilman Offers Professional Arb-Med in New York
Steven A. Certilman Offers Professional Arb-Med in New York
By stevencertilmanpc on November 29 2015 | 700 Views
Settle Legal Disputes in Less Time and for Less Money
New York, New York Arbitration is a dispute resolution process that takes place outside of a courtroom. The arbitrator serves as the neutral third party who listens to the arguments and see evidence on both sides. After all the testimony is presented, the arbitrator makes a determination about what a fair settlement in the case will be. The process is a fast one, making it more convenient and less expensive than a drawn out court trial. Arbitration is often the process used for businesses while mediation is the preferred method of dispute resolution in civil and family cases. Steven A. Certilman is an experienced attorney, arbitrator and mediator who offers arb-med in New York City.
Mr. Certilmans expertise extends to the areas of:
Information technology
Business process outsourcing
Internet law
Software development
The law firm is committed to dispute avoidance and alternative dispute resolution for all types of businesses. Certilman has practiced as an attorney as a chairman, panelist, and sole arbitrator in over two hundred domestic and international commercial disputes. He has also served as mediator in more than fifty disputes. His work also includes serving as a speaker and trainer in the ADR field. His depth of experience has made him uniquely qualified to provide services as arb-med in New York, throughout the country, and worldwide.
Not only are more businesses making the choice for arbitration instead of litigation, courts are also recommending or ordering it as a means to resolve disputes before cases advance to court. The privacy that accompanies mediation and arbitration is also more appealing to individuals and businesses alike. Unlike a typical courtroom setting, these dispute processes include the arbitrator or mediator and those individuals involved in the dispute. There are not records of the evidence or testimony that can be accessed directly by others and the entire issue is kept confidential. For businesses that rely on their reputation for success, this is a big advantage over court.
About Steven A. Certilman
Steven A. Certilman ( offers arb-med to New York City residents who want a simpler, less expensive method of dispute resolution. He has more than thirty years of experiences as an attorney for general corporations and businesses and has engaged in legal matters through a wide range of areas. His greatest degree of experience has come from the technology law and business process outsourcing fields in which he has represented vendors and clients in more than 200 computer services and business process outsourcing transactions. Steven began serving as an arbitrator in 1988 and is a member of the American Arbitration Association. In addition to offering arbitration and mediation services in New York, he is also an Adjunct Professor of Law at Forham University School of Law where he teaches International Arbitration.
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