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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Stan’s Popular Managing Fear Book Gets Several Hundred Book Reviews

Stan’s Popular Managing Fear Book Gets Several Hundred Book Reviews

By stanpopovich on February 10 2014 | 2114 Views

Stan Popovich’s popular book “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods” has become very popular on Amazon and On The Internet with several hundred positive book reviews and counting.

Pittsburgh, PA, February 10, 2014---Stan Popovich’s popular book "A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods" has become very popular on Amazon and On The Internet with several hundred positive book reviews and counting. For more information about Stan’s helpful book and to read Stan’s free mental health articles please go to If you know of anyone who could use Stan’s valuable information on fear, anxiety, stress, depression, and addiction please send them to his website.

A good basic guideline for managing fear
By Chandra E Chaikin
I felt this was a good basic guideline for managing fear. Although, I believe the 12-Step principle of "Letting Go and Letting God" is a great tool for dealing with all sorts of difficult emotions, this book only references Christianity and not other belief systems in the context of managing fear. Since the author states he is not a psychologist nor a clergyman, one might expect a broader perspective. However, as far as covering reliable tools for managing fear in layman’s terms, I thought Mr. Popovich did well. I would especially recommend this book for adult professionals who do not mind the Christian influence.

Chandra Chaikin, MS, LMFT, owner of the Bay Area Counseling Center

A good starting point
By Melanie A. Sivley
This book is a good starting point for managing anxiety. As a therapist, I struggled with the lack of depth in many areas, but for someone just beginning to learn about their anxiety or for someone with anxiety in only a one or two areas of their life, this book could be useful. I’ve read a lot of reviews that struggled with the Christian perspective on anxiety and I disagree. I often address spirituality as a source of comfort for my clients (and believe it myself!) I enjoyed several of the bible verses that were used as examples. Even for non-christians, the premise still stands, a faith in a higher power of any sort can help quiet fears.

Quick, easy read; great for those with Christian values
By Laura Diffendal
Stanley’s book is a quick, easy read with concrete examples and interventions. For those with Christian based values and generalized anxiety, these steps are very helpful. They are organized in a useful way and the book can be referred back to again and again as needed. Anxiety is a lifelong chronic issue for most of us, and having a simple and step by step guide is a great tool to managing it.

Quick reference of effective tools for managing fear
By Carrie Filson
I appreciate the concise, easy to understand format of this book. If you’re looking to learn solid strategies to manage the chronic worries that plague you daily, start here! Disclaimer: do not get discouraged if you find these strategies aren’t helpful right away. Fear is a very strong emotion and it takes practice and discipline to implement these great tools effectively. Don’t give up just because you try it once and it doesn’t work. It’s a process of re-training your brain how to function more logically and less fearfully and that’s takes hard work! Just keep practicing!

You need not be Christian to benefit from this book
By Leigh Martin
A Laymen’s Guide to Managing a quick read with a lot of helpful strategies and relevant examples. You need not be Christian go benefit from it.

Very helpful, self-help book
By Theresa M. Bonesteel
A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear is created as a self-help aid for those struggling with fear. The use of individual examples helps the reader relate to the character’s specific issue, fear response and ideas to overcome them. He offers practical suggestions that include changing thoughts, overcoming low self-confidence, and also a faith-based component for those who choose to include this piece into their recovery process. The author comments about using this material for those who can benefit, but also encourages the reader to find a professional counselor to help work through more complicated fear issues. This book contains solid, basic cognitive behavioral help to foster change.

A good supplement to therapy, By Elands "Elands I believe this book is best for someone who is involved in therapy or has been in the past and is looking for a reference tool to use as a "booster" or reminder of skills. It has good information and the Christian basis will be a draw for individuals who have a strong faith. It is as it promises to be, a guide, in easy to read, easy to understand language.

Readable and concise,
By marianne Harms
Stanley Popovich writes a concise and specific program for dealing with fear that includes psychological and religious approaches. The reader can feel his commitment to his own process and beliefs in Christian teaching. It is spot on for those who share his faith in God as defined in the Bible and Christian teaching and also for the extremely helpful psychological tools outlined throughout the book.

Practical strategic behavior skills from a Christian perspective.,
By Charlyn Prather
In his e-book, Mr. Popovich provides strategic behavior skills that he’s researched by interviewing counselors and clergy as well as drawing from his own life experiences. The book teaches the reader how to break problem situations down into small, manageable steps. With the assist of biblical passages from a Christian perspective, the reader can gain faith based strength to begin the work of conquering their day to day fears.

Easy read, good information,
By Elizabeth Earnshaw
As a therapist working with clients dealing with anxiety I found this book to be an easy read that would be helpful to my clients just beginning to manage their fears, worries, and anxieties. It gives simple and succinct examples of how to manage fear with real life examples. I do not have many books to recommend to my clients that want Christian based resources so I will definitely recommend this book to my Christian clients in the future. I think it is important to keep in mind that this book is helpful in getting some basic skills that you can use at home but if you find that your life is being frozen due to anxiety this book would best be paired with therapy or other types of professional support.

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