Press Release / Health and Fitness / Special Offers from Sunlabs allow You to be Tanned the whole year
Special Offers from Sunlabs allow You to be Tanned the whole year
By sboratories on August 30 2012 | 261 Views
Direct exposure to the sun is dangerous and may cause the skin to age prematurely. Sunless tanning products give one a healthy looking tan all year round.
30th August 2012 - Autumn is just around the corner. Already the days are getting shorter. Within a few short weeks the leaves will start turning golden and the Fall season with its glorious colors will cover the land. This is all as it should be and many look forward to the harvest and the glory days that go with it. But one thing this does mean is that the suns rays lose their power and the days of swimming pools, beach parties and tanned skin is ending.
So as everyone’s complexion fades and those of Caucasian extraction turn pasty with a nightclub tan there are solutions which enable some savvy people to retain a tan for long after the short cold days of winter have set in.
Developed by Sun Laboratories ( Sun Labs ) in Chatsworth, California. Gisela Hunter started working on developing Sunless Tanning Products almost 30 years ago. Her vision was that now that it was emerging that over exposure to the sun was harmful products should be developed that would allow people to look tanned but without endangering themselves by exposing themselves to the harmful rays of the sun.
Since that time of course there have been many developments. The confirmation that over exposure to the sun’s rays are harmful has been reinforced by lots of studies. Just common observation shows the people who spend lots of time in the sun develop leathery and wrinkled skin at a young age. But this does not show the terrifying statistic of people developing sun spots leading to malignant melanomas which spread rapidly and are one of the quickest killing cancers.
There has also been lots of research and product development of sun tan lotions as they used to be called but are now known as Sun Protection Factor creams. The higher the SPF the better the protection against the harmful rays of the sun. This naturally leads to the ridiculous situation where one is going out into the sun to get a suntan at the same time smearing oneself with a 35SPF cream which just about kills any chance of the sun actually tanning the skin at all.
Anyway Sun Labs have now developed a large number of sunless tanning products aimed at self tanning products which give one a healthy tanned glow without having to undergo the dangerous process of actually tanning. Sunless tanning is far safer than Sun beds which still expose one to a large dose of ultra violet light which is potentially harmful
The development of the sunless tanning product has seen the launch of spray booths as many folk opt for an all over healthy looking skin tone without the pain of having to lie in the sun barely clothed for hours at a time. Sunless tanning products are numerous and diverse offering the user a large range of items that enable them to acquire a gorgeous color without any danger.
Sun Labs have developed many Sunless Tanning Products that allow the users to have a healthy tanned color long after the sun’s rays have weakened and fall sets in.