Press Release / Art & Entertainment / Sorrow of the Dragon Gods FREE on Kindle 8/11-8/15
Sorrow of the Dragon Gods FREE on Kindle 8/11-8/15
By Pam Mosbrucker on August 14 2013 | 359 Views
Sorrow of the Dragon Gods by Bestselling Author Pam Mosbrucker is FREE on kindle.
Pocatello, ID, August 14, 2013 -- Sorrow of the Dragon Gods by Bestselling Author Pam Mosbrucker is FREE on kindle from 8/11-8/15.
Tired of waiting for Game of Thrones? Can’t wait for the next Mortal Instruments?
Check out Sorrow of the Dragon Gods, 2nd Edition for a new adventure where dragon gods rule the realm, seraphim conjure ancient prophecy, and witches and wizards fight for control over their magic.
In a world torn asunder by the wars of demon gods and dragon gods for control over the realms, one girl must find her path among the seraphim of legends or risk destroying everything she loves.
For millennia, mortals have been bound by the covenant of the dragon gods, worshiping the creatures to gain access to the fount of magic deep within the realm. Journey through the kingdoms of light and dark as Cauri discovers the truth about her past and struggles to save the land of Solace from the encroaching darkness.
Get Sorrow of the Dragon Gods FREE
About Pam Mosbrucker:
Pam Mosbrucker lives in the mountains of Idaho with her family and is hard at work on the continuation of the Dragon Gods Series. She loves lazy days and is fueled by the incredible cast of characters in her life; including the household felines who seem to think the desk chair is the only place in the house worth sitting.
Pam served her country in the United States Army and received her Bachelor’s degree from Idaho State University.
Pam Mosbrucker
Pocatello, ID
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