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Press Release / Education / SkillsBuild Training Launches E-Learning Platform to Attract New Candidates to IT Careers and Close the IT Skills Gap

SkillsBuild Training Launches E-Learning Platform to Attract New Candidates to IT Careers and Close the IT Skills Gap

By skillsbuildtraining on April 28 2017 | 345 Views

The growth of the IT industry is generating a need for trained individuals who are interested in building careers in this lucrative field.

SkillsBuild Training addresses the need for trained IT professionals, and is actively equipping candidates with the knowledge and skills they need to grow and succeed in the IT industry.
SkillsBuild Training offers a fully comprehensive and thorough IT training solution. The company understands that many individuals require digital skills to find the best jobs in today’s IT field. The training services offered by SkillsBuild makes a direct impact on the IT industry. It closes the gap between what employer needs in workers, and what skills and knowledge protentional employees possess.
SkillsBuild Training was formed in 2016 by an IT Consultant and Career Coach. The staff members at the Calgary-based group have been helping people learn new skills and secure jobs long before SkillsBuild was first formed. They are now using their expertise to create a bigger impact by serving candidates worldwide.
The services offered by SkillsBuild include video-based training programs which can be completed 100% online. The videos are informative and easy to follow. They are also interactive, and provide candidates with great examples of what they can do in the IT field. The information delivered is also easy to recall and use.
All video programs are fully up to date with new videos constantly added to reflect new developments and changes in the IT industry. The responsiveness of the developments ensures candidates are up to date with the latest technological offering, thus maintaining their competitive advantage.
SkillsBuild offers courses in IT management, information security, cloud technology, and storage and data solutions. These courses are organized by vendors which include Certiport, Cisco, ISACA, Microsoft and VMware among many others.
The learning platform is available to candidates at any time with no access restrictions. SkillsBuild also provides course supports to learners to aid with their success. The mentor support allows learners to access personalized course feedback and guidance. In addition, Live practice labs are available to provide real word application experiences. Candidates can develop skills and learn how to resolve mistakes on the fly. Both services are accessible as and when needed, without long wait times and scheduling requirements. When taking courses through SkillsBuild, candidates are never alone.
The individual educational programs offered by SkillsBuild Training are among the many services available through the firm. Corporate IT training solutions are also available to companies who want to train their staff in new IT products.
The company provides salary reports for a variety of positions within the IT industry. It offers assistance and guidance to individuals who are new to the IT world as well as to professionals aiming to continue their education and grow in their career.
SkillsBuild Training believes in helping candidates make informed decisions about their training and careers. Their services are designed to help people learn about the lucrative IT field, which IT careers are right for them, and how to gain the relevant skills to launch their ideal career.

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