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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Salem Chiropractor, Dr. Sunita Bhasin, Offers Pain Relief For Whiplash Neck Injuries

Salem Chiropractor, Dr. Sunita Bhasin, Offers Pain Relief For Whiplash Neck Injuries

By justharrison.up on August 29 2013 | 314 Views

First Choice Chiropractic & Rehabilitation offers gentle and non-invasive techniques to address the pain that follows an auto accident with symptoms of whiplash.

Salem, OR, 18-MARCH-2013 - First Choice Chiropractic & Rehabilitation and Dr. Sunita Bhasin, D. C., Salem chiropractor, are pleased to announce that whiplash injury victims no longer need to continue in pain or struggle with immobility. The doctor has the expertise in the field of chiropractics to improve overall health as well as to implement techniques to eliminate acute pain levels.

As its name indicates, a whiplash injury occurs when the head is thrown violently back and forth due to the forces unleashed in an auto accident. The muscles are stretched rapidly beyond their typical limit. They can be torn, twisted or otherwise damaged, causing the need to recover. This type of injury requires many types of healing by the body.

Increasing circulation to bring healing to the injured area is an important technique in chiropractics. When the body is strengthened to bring nutrients to the injured area, it is a natural method of healing. This can be done by using massage or heat and cold therapy to improve the circulation in the location of the injured tissues.

Dr. Bhasin spoke recently to an interviewer on the topic of a vehicle accident, "You could have evident or hidden injuries as a result of the car accident. The full extent of an injury may not be obvious for days or even weeks. You should get checked by a chiropractic physician as soon as possible after the incident. It is important to remember that serious and costly injuries do not always result in immediate pain or bloodshed. If you delay in getting the proper help, you could develop a chronic and permanent condition with debilitating pain and arthritis as you age."

The doctor continues, "It is best to correct the underlying cause of the neck, back, or spinal injury instead of masking it with drugs. At First Choice Chiropractic we utilize physical therapy, deep tissue massage, and gentle spinal adjustments."

Learn more about the techniques and methods that are linked to chiropractic philosophy by visiting the web pages at today. Members of the press and others who have additional questions about the benefits of chiropractics and about the contents of this specific press release should contact Salem chiropractor, Dr. Bhasin, at the location identified below.

Contact Person Name: Dr. Sunita Bhasin, D. C.
Company Name: First Choice Chiropractic & Rehabilitation
Address: 2515 Liberty Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301
Contact Telephone Number: (503)390-1552
Aloha Location...
Address: 17575 SW TV HWY., Aloha OR 97006
Contact Telphone Number: (503)642-2845

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