Press Release / Environment / RPeople - The Easy Way of Living Green Starts the Green Revolution for Everybody
RPeople - The Easy Way of Living Green Starts the Green Revolution for Everybody
By Vanessa Bekk on December 03 2013 | 665 Views
Finally, it is easy for everybody to live a greener life! RPeople launched its platform and social network for easy green living and started a crowd funding on Inidegogo to grow fast.
Vienna, Austria., December 03, 2013 -- RPeople created a global social network and platform to share information on how everyone can live a green life more effectively. From exploring and sourcing green everyday products to how everyone can proactively contribute to saving this wonderful planet for generations to come! Be RPeople and join the green revolution drives them on to a cool way of living green.
RPeople offers, gathers and seeks good tips, tricks, and motivation that make peoples green life easy – regionally and globally. The R-Check guides the user to a greener life in a completely new way, resulting in an easy to manage task list and a step by step program. So far, 8 different categories offer helpful blog articles. Open discussions can be joined in the global fora and regional discussion can be held in the regional R-Spaces where RPeople share useful tips and help each other finding the right product. To round the platform, it also includes a directory service where RPeople can find and add listing entries for green products, shops and organizations.
RPeople is for everyone who understands or would like to know more about the importance of the 5 R’s for a better tomorrow: To help REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE, understand our RESPONSIBILITY to live greener lives and above all, RESPECT each other and environment.
RPeople count on their users to help each other gather information, exchange ideas and motivate each other to live greener lives and be proud of it.
To make RPeople grow faster they currently are crowd funding on Indiegogo Any support is greatly appreciated.
About RPeople:
Whether the politicians, economy or just “the others” don’t do enough to save this planet, is not the point! As long as the consumers do not change behaviour and demand to gain more sustainability, nothing will change! It is still a fact that demand determines supply. Furthermore, RPeople help the suppliers. The bigger the community becomes the better everone will see where the demands in the consumer market are. RPeople will be able to get specifically needed products faster and also see where improvements are demanded. That’s why RPeople decided to build a social network and a platform in one. The responsibility lies in everones everyday action to ensure an enjoyable future for generations to come.
Vanessa Bekk
Doeblergasse 3/19
1070 Vienna, Austria
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