Press Release / Art & Entertainment / Robert Kramer Guarantees Strange Times For New Music Videos
Robert Kramer Guarantees Strange Times For New Music Videos
By Music Dish on November 14 2014 | 444 Views
Robert Kramer’s "Strange Times" will surefire stir up commotion in the music community and have viewers enjoying a great video with much to talk about with the song
In a world where up is down, down is up; no one can tell what real is anymore. Where we are complacent to things around us yet are in upheaval when something doesn’t even affect us; toying with emotions that have no effect. Indeed we are living in strange times, and thats what Rock musician Robert Kramer sings about in his latest music video for Strange Times.
Robert Kramers video for Strange Times uses satire and comedy to illustrate how slowly but surely, society is progressing into a time where things aren’t all what they seem to be and how we deliberately make choices that have no benefit for us. Yet with entertainment and silly things catching our attention, its easy to see we are living in strange times.
The music video for Strange Times would make any Sci-Fi historian proud. Using bits and iconic scenes from different Sci-Fi classics like The Day The Earth Stood Still to even Frankenstein Robert Kramer is imposed onto these scenes as a character himself, melodically redacting the irony within the song. Combining vintage video techniques with modern effects, the music video takes an interesting concept of old and new to the next level while adding social commentary.
In an industry with a lot of fluff and mediocre messages, its refreshing to see that art and musicianship still exist. With a video with such creativity, Robert Kramers Strange Times will surefire stir up commotion in the music community and have viewers enjoying a great video with much to talk about with the song.
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