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Press Release / Business / RMRDC to launch a comprehensive online platform that would promote consumption of raw materials from Nigeria

RMRDC to launch a comprehensive online platform that would promote consumption of raw materials from Nigeria

By Emmanuel on March 05 2019 | 355 Views

The Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC) is pleased to announce a comprehensive online platform to connect Nigerian raw material suppliers and International buyers.

Abuja, Nigeria - The Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC) is pleased to announce a comprehensive online platform to connect Nigerian raw material suppliers and buyers. RMRDC has rewarded this project to RP Marketing Solution Ltd (RedPepe), an end to end digital marketing service agency based out of Nigeria. RedPepe has commenced the project to build a comprehensive and interactive portal. A new marketing strategy is to now be in place for promoting the vision and mission of RMRDC in domestic and international market. The new Portal is expected to be launched by RMRDC in March 2019.
RMRDC, as an agency of the Federal Government of Nigeria (under the supervision of Federal Ministry of Science and Technology), vested with the mandate to promote the development and utilization of Nigeria’s industrial raw materials, RMRDC currently operates from its corporate Headquarters in Abuja with coordinating offices in the thirty six (36) states.
A strategic advanced web portal with online survey, polls, e-marketplace and learning management system will be an immense value addition to the foundation of Nigeria’s competitiveness in research and development of raw materials.
RMRDC’s comprehensive online platform will support Nigeria to achieve the following:-
• Ensure local raw material is adopted and consumed by industries
• Pprovide a complete support system for buyers and investors to procure raw materials or invest in Nigeria, thereby generating revenue for the country
• pPromote its research findings and other information relevant to local sourcing of raw materials and industries.
• Pposition RMRDC as the focal point for the development and utilization of the nation’s vast industrial raw material.
• Collaborate with International Standard Certifications of Raw Material Research and Development and Industries leading to providing certifications to Nigeria’s raw material and industries.
• Educating industries and creating the need for research and development in industries and businesses through a learning management solution.
• Create interaction between populace, research and development, and industries

RMRDC’s vision is to be an indispensable catalyst for industrial growth and development in Nigeria. Through the new online platform, the local Manufacturers & Producers would be connected digitally to domestic and international buyers. With an effort to boost raw material and finished product sales from Nigeria and to reduce the economy’s dependence on imports of goods, RMRDC’s platform will create a linkage between research Institutions, industrial sectors and international buyers.

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