Press Release / Health and Fitness / Reduce Complications In Life By Following a Proper Diabetic Diet Chart
Reduce Complications In Life By Following a Proper Diabetic Diet Chart
By Amit Gupta on May 22 2013 | 332 Views
To maintain good health and enjoy life diabetic patients must make it a rule to follow a diabetes diet chart.
To maintain good health and enjoy life diabetic patients must make it a rule to follow a diabetes diet chart. This chart mainly consists of proper food items that must be taken, meal timings, blood glucose readings, what quantity to be consumed and levels of other activities that can be comfortably achieved.
21 May 2013
Mumbai, Maharashtra
It has been proven by now that diabetes is one of the scariest diseases a person avoids to fall into. A proper diabetes diet plays a vital role in treating diabetes. The diabetic diet chart is usually based on a patient’s age, weight, height, sex, physical activity and last but not the least the nature of diabetes.
An effective diabetic management plan advices a patient to adopt a healthy lifestyle on a regular basis that must include a regular exercising routine as well as a balanced diet. This diet is planned in a manner to control and maintain body weight. A diabetic patient must emphasize upon the intake of fiber rich food items rather than consuming supplements readily available in the market these days.
But before consuming a diet plan to control diabetes it is advisable to talk to a doctor in order to gather proper advice.
Some useful suggestions are as follows:
Eliminate food items rich in sugar from the diet as they contain very few nutrients and result in an increase in calorie levels.
People suffering from high blood pressure should avoid intake of salt in their diet. Avoid crisps and snacks from the diet as such food items are rich in salt. Also avoid adding too much of salt while cooking and instead replace it with herbs and garlic.
Alcohol is bad for the overall health of a person. It is low in nutrients and high in calories and therefore, avoid including it in the diet.
It is also recommended to avoid eating too food items rich in fat. Avoid intake of excess oil as it is rich in fat and cholesterol which in turn increases the chances of developing heart diseases.
Besides following a proper diet a patient can also make use of easy and convenient medical supplies such as glucometers and Blood Sugar Test Strips or Blood Sugar Testing Strips to check glucose levels in the blood at regular intervals. Nowadays there are several medications that can help treat diabetes.
There are several oral diabetes medications that can be taken but only after taking an advice from the doctor. A majority of people today are suffering from diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Such patients can easily surf the net to find some useful and free diet plans that can help them remain fit and lead a healthy life. But as mentioned above before beginning any treatment, it is advisable to follow a proper advice from the doctor in order to guarantee positive results. A little effort can help add taste and enjoyment to a diabetic patient’s life.
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