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Press Release / Events / Trade Shows / Ready the New Ethical App for Expo 2015: Discover Mozambique

Ready the New Ethical App for Expo 2015: Discover Mozambique

By Marcomm on August 05 2015 | 594 Views

Ready the new ethical App for Expo, Discover Mozambique, designed by a pool of Turin companies with the CNH Industrial contribution in support of the social project Reconstruir Moambique. The free

At its sixth International Expo, for the first time Mozambique may present with cutting-edge technologies its what the Deputy Commissioner of the Mozambique Government Gilberto Cossa said, - to tell about the food culture and diversity of the country, where the agriculture is the backbone of the economy. According to Cossa the agriculture is culture, the food creates harmony and union between the people. Our desire is to give space to new relationships with the rest of the world and the possibility of business matching, said Joel Libombo, Commissioner for Mozambico to Expo. We are excited to partner with CNH Industrial and to boast cutting-edge installations and integrated with each other in cooperation with three companies of Turin, city recently twinned with our capital Maputo.

Discover Mozambique is developed by CONSOFT SISTEMI designed in collaboration with IDEAL COMUNICAZIONE and DOOH.IT SRL. In the same time, these three companies are involved in the development of a web strategy (by means of Facebook, Instagram, Internet) and in installations of digital signage and of the interactive touch table with a wider thematic map, present in the pavilion.

Discover Mozambique is available for Android and iOS; it contains five games to learn the Country, a video path to discover inside the Mozambique Pavilion with the reading of QRCode and the updating with news about Mozambique to Expo, directly from the social and the web.

Using the App you will be able to collect sums in support of the project.

With its brand New Holland Agriculture and Iveco, CNH Industrial supports Reconstruir Moambique, the Mozambican program at 100% that aims to improve the lives of hundreds of people, through actions of solidarity. The first will be the renovation of the school Escolinha Exrcito de Salvao of the Inhagia district to Maputo and in particular for playground equipment, educational materials and fixtures.

The technological project shares the values of Reconstruir Moambique as the social responsibility, sustainable development, the reuse of materials and tools.

The QRcode are positioned in the entire pavilion for a directed path, in Italian or in English. To guide the users are the voices of those boys and girls who greet every day thousands of visitors from around the world from the cereals and tubers cluster to discovery some pieces of art and the cultural tradition of Mozambique.

With Discover Moambique the Expo visitors can know this corner of Africa, agricultural and cultural traditions, challenges and innovations, thanks to an "active, dynamic and interactive content" which helps to nourish lives and nurture dreams. Reconstruir Moambique is a great example of how mobile technology can involve users in social responsibility projects and be actives and informed visitors , on one occasion how to Milan Expo.

The site is accessible at url:

Instead, the App is available for:



Social references are:



For more information: Consoft Sistemi S.p.A.

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