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Press Release / Technology / QA Mentor Announced to Offer QA Service for Healthcare Industry

QA Mentor Announced to Offer QA Service for Healthcare Industry

By qamentor on January 03 2019 | 289 Views

The healthcare applications need to be secure and efficient. QA Mentor announced to offer quality assurance and software testing services for the healthcare industry.

A leading name in the field of quality assurance and software testing, QA Mentor has announced to offer the best software testing services to the healthcare industry. The healthcare applications need to process a large number of transactions and a huge amount of patient data every single day. In order to make sure that this data is handled properly over time, it is of utmost importance to test the application with data sets of different complexity. QA Mentor, being one of the best QA companies, understands this situation well, and so, has planned to offer their top-notch QA services to the healthcare industry.

“With our QA services for the healthcare industry, we are here to make the testing and implementation of software applications easy. There are a lot of advantages of opting for our QA services. The healthcare involves applications and devices that need to connect and interoperate in order to deliver the required experience to the user. This sector has a huge demand for regulatory compliance, interoperability, data privacy and security. There is a need for healthcare application testing that involves a lot of time, resources, technical expertise and costs. This requires rigorous testing, which we can help them with. Healthcare applications have sensitive data related to the health of the patients. If the applications are hacked for information, it can lead to a major security breach. With our world-class security testing and penetration testing service, we make the application hack-proof. As we are one of the best software testing companies, we offer QA and software testing in order to validate business workflows and take the required performance measures so that the healthcare industry gets the desired results. And we do this by monitoring the strategy, executing and implementing every defined parameter. This way, within shorter development cycles, we ensure the highest quality output”, shared a representative of the company.

There are different usage scenarios that the nurses and the pharmacists face multiple times in a day. These tasks can be easily done with automation. QA Mentor uses their usability testing methods to enhance the user experience and user interface of healthcare-related apps as well as devices. The healthcare systems require ensuring increased productivity and efficiency so that they can serve the patients in a much better way. These days, applications are getting complex and it is becoming crucial to make sure that they function effectively without any interruptions. QA Mentor is a top QA company and with their best in the industry QA services, they make sure that all the nodes of the healthcare application work seamlessly and provide the users with a holistic experience.

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