Press Release / Health and Fitness / Pune City to Host Unique Brain Workshop
Pune City to Host Unique Brain Workshop
By 4dimesnionmedia on October 06 2016 | 538 Views
Mr. Lek Mithawala has mastered the technique of mind reading and power thinking, and has also recently played and won against 300 chess players simultaneously with a win rate of 98% in Aurangabad.
The city of Pune is all set to host a unique brain workshop for adults, in the month of October. This workshop will be conducted by Lekh Mithawala, the Managing Director of My Brain Institute, who has successfully conducted several such workshops for adults and kids in Aurangabad and other cities of the country.
Explaining about the essence of his workshops, Lekh said, “The most complex organ in the human body and probably the most complex creation present on this universe is “THE HUMAN BRAIN”. He added further that at his workshops people learn to function at the alpha brain wave level with the conscious awareness and experience the power of using both brain hemispheres instead of just one.
Explaining further, Lekh continued to say, “At present humans use only 3.5% of our conscious mind whereas if one attends his two day workshop of brain development, their brain activity level increases up to 10%. Also a known fact is that 90% of the mind power lies in our subconscious mind which can be tapped with the use of pineal gland, while 10% is contributed from the conscious mind. The pineal gland which produces melatonin, a serotonin driven hormone is responsible for the sleeping patterns and for a person wellbeing and happiness”.
Talking about the program, he said, “Our program, My Mind Magic, focuses on the combination of ancient meditation practices & modern techniques to provide a logical reasoning for his method of increasing the activity levels of the brain by stimulating the pineal gland for unleashing the power of human mind. His technique mainly concentrates on development of the right brain and soul invocation. Adding further he said, “the program focuses on Alpha Functioning, sleep & dream control, memory pegs, mental visualization for success, glove anesthesia, headache control, positive thinking mind relaxation & stress management, right decision making, weight and habit control.
Additionally, Mr. Lek Mithawala has mastered the technique of mind reading and power thinking, and has also recently played and won against 300 chess players simultaneously with a win rate of 98% in Aurangabad. He is now gearing up to create a new Guinness World Record of playing and winning against 1000 chess players simultaneously.
Speaking about the inimitable activity, Ms. Farah Anwar, Mrs. India, First Runner Up 2016, said
“This is a distinctive program for people of all ages, as it trains them to develop their brain in the most optimal manner.” Mr. Manish Shroff, the head of New Visio NGO for child welfare, added that the activity would be extremely beneficial for kids belonging to the age group of 4 to 14 as his techniques help kids improve their memory power, helps in confidence boosting, imagination power, physical health & emotional well-being.
The unique one day program was hosted by the Warehouse, a roof-top café located in the IT hub of Kalyani Nagar and organized by 4th Dimension Media.
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