Press Release / Industry / Protect Your Homes from Mold after Flooding
Protect Your Homes from Mold after Flooding
By Charlles Bohdy on September 03 2015 | 456 Views
After incurring the wrath of unforgiving rainstorms this summer, America is still putting back the pieces of the lives of ordinary citizens. Dozens of lives were lost and billions worth of property,
New York, August 28, 2015 -- Sink holes, disrupted power flow, flooded parks, waterlogged highways, and a general disarray are just a few of the immediate consequences of the recent rain storms that have lashed the nation, from Ohio to Louisiana. The recent summer rainstorms have destroyed so many lives and disrupted thousands more. Apart from emotional scars, the floods have also left survivors to deal with another menace that has the potential to cause major health risks, mold.
This is not the end of it either. There are more vital consequences of the floods such as dealing with potable water and running electricity, thousands of homes, garages and basements have been left with cellular level bacteria that could bring a structure to its knees. The long term implications and health hazards caused by mold make it a slow and silent killer that appears after the flooding.
However, mold isnt the only threat from flooding since bacteria can also develop and cause catastrophic lung or gastrointestinal disease and various kinds of skin infection. The worst part about mold is that it will never stop growing on its own, and will only spread further if left unattended. This makes it essential to eradicate it completely to ensure that you and your familys health isnt at risk.
The thing about mold is that it is both toxic by itself, and also leads to numerous problems for the structural integrity of a house, especially those made out of wood. Another fatal problem with mold is that is can cause respiratory problems and can further complicate the condition of those who suffer from asthma, sinus, or other kinds of sensitivities. Toxi mold has even been linked to Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, and even cancer.
The only way to protect yourself from mold growth before it spins out of control is to implement an effective mold solution. And for those of you who are wondering what that is, its high ozone shock treatment or ozone blasting, using one of the many ozone generators to remove mold and any foul odor that might occur as a result of this natural growth. Residents faced with the mold menace can now literally breathe easy with BiO3Blaster ozone generators. Ozone generators convert the air in the building into a powerful sterilizing gas that kills viruses and bacteria and completely destroys musty moldy odors, all odors in fact.
About Bio3Blaster: Founded by entrepreneur and philanthropist, Bio3Blaster Ozone Generators have been manufacturing world class ozone generators for commercial, home, air, & water since 2010. The company builds customized ozone equipment for a variety of specific uses. Ozone blasters are a very effective and economical method of removing odors, just make sure that the building is completely vacant during the procedure.
Visit or call 800-240-8514 c/o 4456 North Abbe Road, Sheffield Village, Ohio The All Natural DIY Mold Removal system offers a high powered yet holistic way of dealing with odor and mold removal (treatment). With pioneering inventions like the Ozone Tornado and Ozone Tunnel technologies, these ozone generators provide one of the easiest ways to deal with mold infestations.
Charlles Bohdy
4456 North Abbe Road,
Sheffield Village, Ohio
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