Press Release / Computer / Pro-grade 2D CAD, with native DWG compatibility, open APIs, and the best TCO in the industry reached
Pro-grade 2D CAD, with native DWG compatibility, open APIs, and the best TCO in the industry reached
By Dmitry Popov on December 06 2013 | 447 Views
Nanosoft, CAD vendor based in Moscow, Russia, is pleased to disclosure the information of nanoCAD’s downloads from nanoCAD is an easy-to-use free CAD software with native .dwg support was downloaded 500 000 times since 03/06/2012
nanoCAD reached half million downloads
27 November 2013. Nanosoft disclosures the information of nanoCAD’s downloads from Today nanoCAD reached half million downloads of versions targeted the US and international markets.
These half million downloads includes nanoCAD and the newest nanoCAD Plus. Current versions of both products is 5. nanoCAD 5 is totally free, while nanoCAD Plus 5 is available through a low-cost annual subscription. Such impressive number of downloads should be at least doubled if it will include Russians versions of nanoCAD and nanoCAD-based products.
Technical professionals have long been used to compromising when it comes to 2D CAD software. nanoCAD changed the game, offering the best total cost of ownership (TCO) in the industry, full DWG (*.dwg) compatibility, and capabilities that professional users expect, including a familiar and comfortable interface, powerful drafting and design tools, and full customizability.
Launched one month ago nanoCAD 5 is totally free to use and share, for professional, or personal purposes. Unlike other free CAD programs, it is neither crippled nor constrained.
nanoCAD was first launched internationally in March 2012. “It was a rather quiet launch,” says Dmitry Popov, Development director, Nanosoft. "We didn’t make much noise about it. We know people are waiting for the real free alternative to AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. From the 6th of March 2012 we give them a free CAD to use and share. We believe in the power of people’s cooperation, we believe in it from the day one. Today nanoCAD was reached half million downloads and we are pleased with the result."
nanoCAD 5 key features
Industry standard interface. nanoCAD’s user interface and command structure will be familiar and comfortable for users of many CAD applications, including AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.
Fully capable. nanoCAD includes a rich set of tools for creating and editing 2D/3D objects.
Completely customizable. nanoCAD’s scripting engine lets users write macros using any MS Windows scripting language as well as built-in LISP. For more serious development, nanoCAD supports multiple APIs for C++ and .NET. Users may join the nanoCAD Developer Club, at no cost.
Totally free. Free as in beer. No catches, no gotchas.
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