Press Release / Blogging & Social Media / Presta Kitchen Now Stocks Kitchen Accessories for Compact Kitchens
Presta Kitchen Now Stocks Kitchen Accessories for Compact Kitchens
By prestakfr49 on December 20 2012 | 826 Views
Presta Kitchen, the online supplier of kitchen models now offers kitchen accessories as well. The accessories can be used to repair or replace any parts of the compact kitchenettes.
The online supplier of compact kitchen models, Presta Kitchen now stocks kitchen accessories. Users of compact kitchens can now easily repair or replace its parts using the accessories.
With time, uses of advanced home appliances as compact kitchens are increasing to save time, expense and space. Still, there is a problem regarding the uses of these materials as accessories or individual parts of these kitchen appliances are not available always. The owner of Presta Kitchen, the online store for compact kitchens thus introduces a new service to fulfill this demand. He announced recently that from now onwards their customers could purchase kitchen accessories from the store, along with new compact kitchen models. He suggested that customers could easily use these accessories to repair or replace the parts of compact kitchen models when these stop working.
While introducing the new service, the owner of the online store also commented on it. He said, “From a last few days customers were complaining that they face trouble to find out the accessories or individual parts that are required to repair the system. After using the machine for long time, they may need to change or fix some parts, but when they do not have options they need to use a new one, which is not always possible. Considering their requirements we have thus planned to include accessories so that the customers can use the old compact kitchens models properly.”
Huge collection of accessories is available to match with individual size and model of the kitchenettes. These accessories can also be used to fix other important appliances used in modular kitchens.
The head of the marketing department of the store described the process of shopping the accessories of compact kitchens in brief. He says, “Customers need to follow the same method to purchase the accessories from the store that they follow to get the real models. They will browse the accessories according to the series number and then will fill the online form mentioning requirements, to place an order.”
Mrs. Nora is quite happy to know about the service and says, “The cabinet of my compact kitchens need to be replaced and I didn’t knew where these accessories are available. Feeling good to know that now I can buy it from the same store from where I have purchased the kitchenettes.”
Customers can buy these accessories individually or in sets. Shipment facility is available to get the products delivered at home.
Presta Kitchen is an online store that supplies compact kitchens to use in modern settings. Huge collection of modern kitchen appliances is available at the store. The systems available at the store are already assembled and are used to manage space in the kitchen. To know more about the store visit
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