Press Release / Computer / PhoneMondo - the new callerID notification tool for professional telephony
PhoneMondo - the new callerID notification tool for professional telephony
By Christoph Buenger on July 28 2015 | 426 Views
PhoneMondo is the new callerID notification software that is cloud based. It’s a full CTI software and also offers reports and statistics to help optimizing the telephony efficiency in your company
PhoneMondo - the new callerID notification tool for professional telephony
Be it in the acquisition of new customers or in customer support: professional phone users know the problems with handling many phone calls per day. For every caller, the customer data has to be searched and you can’t see on the first ring who calls. That costs time and therefore lost revenue when processing the caller’s information in other IT systems like CRM or ERP. It’s also pretty difficult to judge a caller by his importance and to reject unimportant, time-consuming calls. The cloud software PhoneMondo from Scavix Software optimizes telephony as modern CTI system in a completely new way which solves a lot of effectivity problems in professional daily telephony. CTI stands for Computer Telephony Integration and means the connection between computers and the phone. The basic version is free so that everybody can test as long as he likes if this new software can help making telephony more productive.
What does PhoneMondo?
PhoneMondo is a cloud based CTI system. The client software runs on Microsoft Windows and on Android devices. The web based portal is accessible from any modern web browser on any operating system. The desktop client shows callerID notification with addition information for incoming calls. It first looks up the additional information about the caller via reverse lookup in different data sources like online white pages web directories.
For unknown callers, it shows a map of the source of the callerID. The software also queries CRM and ERP systems like, Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird for extra information about the caller. Incoming calls can be rejected and blocked with one click. All calls from blacklisted phone numbers are blocked automatically by the system.
PhoneMondo connects to any Tapi driver that comes with nearly any PBX system from the manufacturer of the PBX or directly to STARFACE PBX systems and AVM FritzBox. Asterisk-based PBX systems can be connected to PhoneMondo with the Asterisk module from PhoneMondo.
Processing and synchronization of call information made easy
PhoneMondo can do even more: it can pass the call information to other systems like or any other application via HTTP or command line. It can send an email or open a webseite when specific callerID calls. The PhoneMondo Android app enables access to the call history and contact data in PhoneMondo from anywhere. The contacts from the Android phone can be imported and used in PhoneMondo as well. Additional call information is accessible as well from the mobile app. The callerID notification is also shown here. Calls on other lines can be forwarded to the mobile phone with one click and calls can be started from the call history or contact details. The cloud technology ensures that no information is lost. Professional telephony that saves time and money.
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