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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Osteoarthritis in Both Hands Meant Neil Snelson of NRS Sports Therapy in Sheffield was Considering a Change from Career

Osteoarthritis in Both Hands Meant Neil Snelson of NRS Sports Therapy in Sheffield was Considering a Change from Career

By Mary Fickling on November 12 2013 | 336 Views

“When the two lovely young ladies from Nottingham came to demonstrate DEEP OSCILLATION®, Neil Snelson was somewhat sceptical that it could be as good as was claimed, but it is now his most important

Nottingham, England, November 12, 2013 -- DEEP OSCILLATION® is now installed and Neil Snelson is continuing successfully with his sports massage career.

I do still own many other pieces of equipment but if I want to use Ultrasound I have dig it out of the cupboard as it hardy gets used. Before getting a HIVAMAT 200 Deep Oscillation I was considering I change of career, as breaking down injuries with my fingers had left me with arthritis in both hands, but as the machine treats your hands as you are treating the clients my arthritis has gone. Using Deep Oscillation made my business grow quickly as clients come with minor injuries, not just when they are desperate and willing to endure the pain of standard treatment. I have used the equipment on a large range of injuries and problems, from minor muscle strains to post operative care, to someone having his leg ripped off in a motorcycle accident and everything in between. I have great and sometimes life changing results”

About PhysioPod UK Limited®:
PhysioPod UK Limited® (approved NHS Suppliers for England and Wales) are now in their 6th year of trading. Directed by sisters, Julie Soroczyn and Mary Fickling, PhysioPod® exclusively supply the UK and Ireland with patented DEEP OSCILLATION®.

This pleasant, non-invasive, non-traumatic, electrostatic “hands-on” massage therapy is applied through vinyl gloves and/or varying sized applicator heads that also enable self treatment. Standard massage movements are utilised. No new techniques.

Gentle impulses permeate 8 cm depth through all tissue layers; skin, sub-coetaneous fat, muscles, blood and lymph vessels, with clinically proven effects in the connective tissue, stimulating the body’s natural supply of Collagen making it ideal for natural anti-ageing treatment.

Based on the Physics phenomenon "The Johnsen–Rahbek effect", the deep resonant vibrations cause a systematic attraction and release of the tissues activating the body’s lymphatic system making it the tool of choice for many MLD practitioners for the treatment and maintenance of Lymphoedema. Sufferers are now self-treating between visits with the DEEP OSCILLATION® Personal unit with a bespoke treatment card by PhysioPod UK Ltd. The Vodder Clinic in Austria use for stubborn fibrosis.

Defined as a ‘state-of-the-art’ therapeutic technique (no heat, no electrical stimulation and safe over implanted pins and plates) this therapy can now be found on Harley Street, in Elite Sporting Medical backrooms (Footbal, Rugby, Cricket), in NHS clinics and with Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Massage Therapists. Many Equine therapists are delighted to add this tool to their techniques too.

Used DAY ONE post-surgically, it significantly reduces pain, swelling and is effective for haematomas, removing excess inflammatory matter, fluids and protein solids promoting mobility and sensitivity, in a quicker time frame than has previously been possible with conventional therapies resulting in less and smoother scar tissue.

Mary Fickling
PhysioPod UK Limited
Sherbrook Road, Daybrook
Nottingham, NG5 6AS

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