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Press Release / Politics / Opposition leader: regime change is only solution to Iran’s nuclear proliferation

Opposition leader: regime change is only solution to Iran’s nuclear proliferation

By siavoshhosseini on June 14 2015 | 1436 Views

Regime change in Iran is the only solution to stop the Tehran regime from obtaining nuclear weapons, the leader of Iran’s main opposition coalition warned at a major gathering in Paris in support of d

Regime change in Iran is the only solution to stop the Tehran regime from obtaining nuclear weapons, the leader of Iran’s main opposition coalition warned at a major gathering in Paris in support of democratic change.

“The nuclear program that projected the power of the velayat-e faqih regime for the past quarter century is now a source of the mullahs’ weakness and impasse,” said Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

She described the regime as in a weak state and said that the Geneva Accord and the Lausanne Agreement had further destabilized the regime which does not have the ‘capacity’ to back down from its goal of obtaining nuclear weapons.

The regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei could not agree to a comprehensive deal with the P5+1. “He says, ‘I neither agree nor disagree.’ This means that his regime is at an impasse,” she said.

“The same situation prevails as pertains to the final, comprehensive agreement. Whether or not Khamenei agrees to it, the regime cannot escape the prospects of being overthrown.

“I should therefore remind western governments that the Iranian people and Resistance will not accept any agreement that does not dismantle the regime’s bomb-making infrastructure,” she said.

She added that the international community ought to demand that Tehran implement fully UN Security Council resolutions, completely halting uranium enrichment, and provide answers to the military dimensions of its nuclear project, making its nuclear experts available for questioning by the UN nuclear monitoring agency.

Addressing P5+1 leaders, Rajavi said: “If you do not want a nuclear-armed fundamentalist regime, stop appeasing it. Do not bargain over the human rights of the Iranian people and recognize their organized Resistance which is striving for freedom.”

“You are gravely mistaken in thinking that there is no solution. There is a solution for ending the mullahs’ nuclear weapons program: regime change by the Iranian people and Resistance,” she said.

John Bolton, former US ambassador to the UN and Undersecretary of State for Arms Control, supported Rajavi’s arguments.

“The regime has never offered full, accurate and complete information about its illicit nuclear program. Several critical secret sites have been exposed publicly by the MEK opposition,” he said referring to the Mujahedin-e-Khalq, the main group within the NCRI which was responsible for exposing Tehran’s secret uranium enrichment and heavy water facilities in Natanz and Arak in 2002.

“The Obama Administration’s concessions to the Iranian regime have emboldened the mullahs in their pursuit of nuclear weapons, and contributed to broader destabilization of the region,” Bolton said.

“UN Security Council resolutions must be implemented. International inspections must include Iranian military sites anywhere, anytime. But the ultimate solution is regime change by the people of Iran. That should be the US policy.”

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