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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Nuratrim: Lose Weight the Kim Kardashian Way

Nuratrim: Lose Weight the Kim Kardashian Way

By grac12 on September 14 2012 | 358 Views

The U.S. and the U.K Get a New Weight Loss Supplement that Really Does Work.

Nuratrim is a new diet pill that is creating quite a clamor in the weight loss industry. Recently released in the United States and the United Kingdom, Nuratrim is quickly becoming one of the most used diet supplements ever to come along. Sales for the company are expanding, as the general public in both the United States and the UK, becomes more aware that Nuratrim’s new pills actually do cause weight loss.

The All in One Weight Loss Pill

One of the best qualities of Nuratrim diet pills is that it is an all-natural supplement. Using the perfect mixture of Green Coffee, Licorice, Capsicum, and Glucomannan, Nuratrim’s developers seem to have discovered the secret to chemical-free weight loss, which also signifies that there may be only slight side effects.

Due to the numerous ways in which Nuratrim works to aid the body in losing weight, it is often called the "All in One" weight loss pill. Clinical studies have proven that one Nuratrim weight loss supplement actually increases metabolic rate by 35%, reduces appetite by 78%, and burns up to 20% more fat than other diet systems. Other research indicates that Glucomannan makes your stomach feel fuller, so it stops you from eating too much. In addition, the blend of Green Coffee and Licorice burn fat and lower cholesterol, while the Capsicum ingredients deliver antioxidants to the body to help to speed up your metabolism and reduce body mass.

Aside from the clinical studies, which provide evidence that Nuratrim truly works, there are countless positive customer reviews as well. Many of these testimonials come straight from Hollywood’s most popular starlets. Bringing more clout to the effectiveness of Nuratrim, celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Mariah Carey, and Jennifer Aniston are known to have successfully lost weight using Nuratrim. Many other customer reviews attest to the significance of their use of the product, saying,

"I lost 4 stones with Nuratrim and kept it off." Helen

"After 3 months of taking Nuratrim I have lost 2 stone. I didn’t feel deprived of anything if I fancied a bit of chocolate I had it." Nuratrim Customer

"I take one Nuratrim pill a day and I’ve already lost 4 pounds. I’m still losing!" Dora

Overall, Nuratrim is a safe, easy, and effective way to lose weight. The news about the value of Nuratrim is spreading across the United States and the United Kingdom. For more information about Nuratrim, visit the corporate website. The website contains more material about the benefits, the ingredients and how they work, and where to buy Nuratrim.

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