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Press Release / Health and Fitness / New Sun Laboratories Spray Tan Products For Mystic And Spray Tan Salons

New Sun Laboratories Spray Tan Products For Mystic And Spray Tan Salons

By uctst234 on October 02 2012 | 305 Views

Find out about the new Sun Laboratories spray tan products that are for Mystic and spray tan salons.

Do you own or attending mystic or spray tan salons in your local area? Do you love the benefits of spray tans or lotions, over using a tanning bed or the natural sun to achieve a tan? There’s no doubt about it, when you consider the benefits of fake tanning with spray tans, they are far better for your health and much safer than tanning beds. Fortunately, there are spray tan and Mystic tan salons spread about all over the United States. If you have a local facility in your area that offers this service, you should tell them about the Sun Laboratories spray tan products. There are new products that Sun Labs has been able to produce for first-rate spray tan facilities. They’re even available for consumers, you can purchase them in do-it-yourself size bottles, so that you can apply the solution from home! However, a lot of people enjoy going to their local salon, it ensures that the solution is going to be applied evenly to your body. Now, you can get the benefits of Sun Laboratories no matter where you are at, since these new spray tan products are accomplishing revolutionary sales achievements.

Spray tan salons can purchase the mystic solution in large quantities
Sun Labs has made their solution available in extremely large quantities. You can buy them in gallon sizes, so that spray and mystic tan salons can afford to purchase them. It’s extremely high-quality solution. Salons may have to charge a bit more for their Mystic Tan services, but the clients are definitely going to appreciate the bronze appeal that they will achieve from the Sun Laboratories’ products. The ingredients used in the spray tan solution is extremely high-quality, it’s designed to create a bronze appeal for your skin, without compromising any other aspect of the skin. It doesn’t discolor your skin, it will never make you look orange, and it will even make your skin look more vibrant and healthy. If you have a spray tan salon in your local area, you should tell them about the Sun Labs products immediately! The spray tan solutions could revolutionize their sales, Making them the most popular salon in the area.

Sun Laboratories even provides spray tan solutions for consumers
If you are an individual looking for a spray tan solution, you might be pleased to know that Sun Laboratories has even made their products available for regular individuals like yourself! You can buy their spray tan and spray lotion solutions in small quantities, so that you can apply at home when convenient. You won’t have to go to a salon, simply buy the product from their website and it will come in a bottle that is easy to apply yourself. The only downside to this is that there will be no way for you to apply it evenly. Rubbing on a lotion or spraying on the spray tan solution is more difficult to cover every inch of your body than it is to go to a salon and have it sprayed on professionally.

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