Press Release / Health and Fitness / New Suboxone Therapy Offered At The Addiction Treatment Center In Florida
New Suboxone Therapy Offered At The Addiction Treatment Center In Florida
By iates234 on August 19 2012 | 298 Views
If you are addicted to opiates, you might be happy to know that Suboxone therapy is now offered at the addiction treatment center in Florida.
Suboxone is a product that is used to treat people who are addicted to opiates, and it is now offered at the Addiction Treatment In Florida Center. It is called Suboxone Therapy, and it is very effective at treating an addict. The Delray Center treatment facility highly advises that addicts who are addicted to opioids, consider this type of treatment option.
There are many different types of opiates, some of which are found in prescription drugs like codeine. Other forms of opiates are found in more serious substances, such as morphine or heroin. Opiates produce a high effect for the user, which can be very desirable and difficult to detox from. People who are addicted to opiates, typically experience a very harsh detox and it is sometimes irresistible to stop taking. Suboxone is a buprenorphine and naloxone medication that helps wean substance abusers of opiates, off of these medications. Essentially, you replace the substance that the addict was used to taking, such as heroin or morphine, with Suboxone. Suboxone can be controlled and it is much safer for the addict to take. The buprenorphine part of the medication, is very similar to morphine or heroin, it is strong but when combined with the other part of the Suboxone drug, naloxone, it works very well for helping an addict detox. During their treatment, the level of Suboxone that the patient is given, will be gradually lowered. This helps them enter sobriety at eight more controlled rate, which is much safer for the addict and they will not experience as severe of a detox.
Essentially, Suboxone works in two different ways. The naloxone chemical helps block the effects of opioids such as morphine, heroin or codeine. Keep in mind that if Suboxone is injected, naloxone will block the effects of buprenorphine and this will cause serious withdrawal symptoms for the patient that has an opioid addiction. The Suboxone drug is supposed to be administered under the tongue, which is a safe and effective way for the patient to take the drug. This will not cause them withdrawal symptoms, as buprenorphine will not be blocked when it is taken in this way.
The addiction treatment center in Florida, is offering this treatment option so that there opiate addicts can recover in a safe and effective way. They have introduced this method of recovery, because it has been very effective, all over the world. There are many treatment centers that are now offering Suboxone therapy. It is highly effective, proven to work, and safe for the patient to take. Doctors say that it is safer than continuing to use heroin, codeine or morphine. Especially since the drug can be administered and controlled by the treatment center, so that they can lessen your intake gradually over time.
If you are struggling very badly with an opiate addiction, you should consider a treatment center in the Florida area. Somewhere like the Delray Center will be able to provide safe and effective treatment for you, so that you can recover and finally achieve sobriety.
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