Press Release / Art & Entertainment / New Joyful Prayers Website Reminds People There’s Still Hope for Humanity
New Joyful Prayers Website Reminds People There’s Still Hope for Humanity
By Paul2357 on February 25 2014 | 245 Views
Announcing the launch of Joyful Prayers website, including a page focused on Poems on Encouragement. The website serves as a comprehensive source of spiritual poems, songs and prayers.
With the launch of the new Joyful Prayers website, people from all walks of life now have access to a comprehensive source of spiritual poems, songs and prayers. This content is designed to remind people that there is still hope for humanity and is made available in order to offer comfort, inspiration and peace of mind to people searching for uplifting Christian-based content.
With a world focused on constant negativity through a drumbeat of news across the globe touting death and destruction it is easy to be afflicted with anxious feelings and an uneasy heart. This website was designed to invigorate those faithful Christians and non-believers alike who may feel the drain of a secular world - and are seeking redemption and inspiration in songs, poems, and prayers.
In addition, the website features links to artwork, relevant essays, books, videos, sheet music and a link to iTunes - where people can purchase content on their own time.
If you find yourself needing inspiration, the Joyful Prayers website also offers readers a special Poems On Encouragement section that provides readers with renewed hope, love and inspiration through Christ and his teachings.
"I created the Joyful Prayers website to inspire people and remember that a close, meaningful relationship with God will not only lift our spirits but also grant us peace and wisdom to conduct our daily lives in such a way that humanity becomes again focused on faithful devotion to God," said Paul Martin, founder, Joyful Prayers website. "My prayer for all of our readers is that they can use this content to not only inspire, but to share with others who may be searching for soul inspiration."
Highlighted content includes songs such as: "Amazing Grace," "Best Old Friends," "Child I will Cherish You," and "Soulbird," among others. Poems include, "Angels
Beyond the Resurrection," "Contemplation," and "Fallen Angel." Content will be updated on a consistent basis in order to offer readers a constant, fresh source of inspirational content.
No matter why you visit the site or what may be troubling your heart, websites like Joyful Prayers are an easy way to find different sources of inspiration. When creating this website, it was important to offer different content because people prefer different sources of inspiration. We pride ourselves on helping people find and enjoy a spiritual resurgence.
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